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"They'll be happy to see you" Ju-won said with a bright smile on her face.

Walking along the small path, surrounded by the woods. They headed towards the cemetry, the girl held white roses in her hands.

"Shouldn't I be nervous? Meeting the parents of the girlfriend should normally be awkward right? For me it's difefrent I guess" Riki let out a small chuckle, swinging the girl's other hand forwards and backwards.

"Come on, it's not that they don't like you. Actually they literally loved you more than me and Heeseung" Ju-won laughed in response to her boyfriend.

"Stop lying" Riki teased, earning another laughter.

"Look, we're there" Ju-won said while considering the big sign at the entrance of the small cemetry. It was the right place to choose for her parents, she thought. Although she couldn't hear their voice anymore, she was sure they were happy together.

The couple continued walking straight ahead until they reached the small lake, surrounded by a view of beautiful plants, trees and ducks.

"It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen here" Riki was amazed by the beautiful view which surrounded him and Ju-won who stood right next to her.
Of course Riki had seen the grave before. He was at the funeral, just like the other members.
But this time it was completely different.

"It is, right?" Ju-won let out a smile as she considered the grave. It was a grey silver stone.
On it, there you could see the beautiful font which said the names of her parents.

"I should change the flowers"
Ju-won said before walking to the small vase in front of the stone. She found old flowers in it from a week ago. She and Heeseung put it in there.

"You definitely chose the right flowers"
Riki said as he watched Ju-won placing the few white roses in the vase.
It matched well with the green plants which surrounded them.

"I think so too"
Another big smile escaped her mouth as she now considered the grave with the flowers she and Riki brang.

"You wanna sit here?" Riki asked while pointing at the bench which stood right across the pretty grave.

He earned a nodd, so both headed towards the wood bench before taking seat on it.

"I'm still not over the things happened a few months ago"
Riki sighed as his look was focused on the sky, showing a few clouds. He turned to the girl, now facing her straight.

"Same goes for me" Ju-won replied while doing the same as her boyfriend. Now both looked deep in eachother's eyes.

"I mean I suceeded with my plan. I brought you a girlfriend, just like I planned to do"
Ju-won said then, letting a small chuckle escaping her mouth afterwards.

"That's right" Riki nodded in response. He never thought she'd actually suceed. Especially with him being happy with the result. He liked Ju-won for so long now, and now they were finally together. Finally.

"By the way. I still have something for you"
Ju-won suddenly said as she grabbed her tote bag she just placed next to her on the bench a few minutes before.

"I'm curious" Riki said as he raised his eyebrows in surprise. He watched Ju-won pulling someone out of her bag before opening her mouth to speak before showing it to Riki.

"Close your eyes"
Ju-won said while letting a bright smile appear on her face. She was so excited since she hadn't had the chance to give this gift to him although she bought it long time ago.

Riki did what he was told to, so he held his hands in front of his eyes, covering them.
"You can open it again" Ju-won said as he held the gift in front of his face.

When Riki opened his eyes, a plushie was revealed. It represented a cute yellow duck.
A laughter escaped his mouth as he took the plushie, patting its head since it was so fluffy.

Ju-won looked excited at her boyfriend, hoping he was happy with the gift.
And he was.

"Do you like it? I just saw it in a store in Chicago and it reminded me of you. I hadn't had the chance to give it to you yet. So I just thought of giving it to you here"
JU-won said with a cute look in her eyes, making the boy smile.

"It's perfect. Just like you"

Riki said before grabbing the girl's chin, pushing his lips against hers. A cute kiss.

Ju-won slowly pulled her lip away from his as he leaned against his forehead with her own.

"I love you. I love you and I'll continue loving you even when I'm not allowed to"

"Until death do us apart"

They both said before kissing again.

Just a boyfriend and girlfriend. Together. Until death do them apart.



Author's Corner

Hiii, long time no see here on this page<3

Since y'all let this ff explode from readers&votes&comments I decided to give u a little bonus<3
Hope y'all like it!

Btw just while writing I noticed how my writing style changes everytime I write another ff
In the Jake ff I write way more detailed and shorter, here I write just different:)

I love y'all!!!!! Thank you so so so much!

Yours, Lue<3

~october 28th 2023

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