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Today, 2:23pmI-messagesMint chocolate is the best 🤞    You and 7 others

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Today, 2:23pm
Mint chocolate is the best 🤞
    You and 7 others

Jackie 🥸
Guyssss look at Riki and Ju-wonnnnn
So cute !!!

Mint chocolate addicted kid 🥶
Omggg they're so cute!
New ship unlocked?

Hisang 😱
What r u talking about? I can't see them from my seat 🫠

Jongseong knuckless 🫴
They are sleeping next to each other. Jake saw them while going on the toilet. Her head on his shoulder and his head on hers.
It's cute but weird for you heeseung ig

Hisang 😱
It's actually a bit weird ngl
First Sungjin and now we're talking about them? They're friends since years it's normal to sleep with your bestie like this ig
Anyways since when do they sit together?

Sungpenguin 🐊
You didn't notice?
Riki asked Sungjin to switch seats since she texted us


Riki woke up from the buzzing from his phone. Luckily it wasn't with sound since he set the notification mode on just vibrating and not ringing.

He slowly lifted up his head, Ju-won's head still lay on his shoulder. She still slept like baby.

He slowly grabbed his phone to see what woke him up. When he took a look on his phone he saw a couple new messages from his members.

Today, 2:37pm
Mint chocolate is the best 🤞
    You and 7 others
Jongseong knuckless 🫴
They are sleeping next to each other. Jake saw them while going on the toilet. Her head on his shoulder and his head on hers.
It's cute but weird for you heeseung ig

Hisang 😱
It's actually a bit weird ngl
First Sungjin and now we're talking about them? They're friends since years it's normal to sleep with your bestie like this ig
Anyways since when do they sit together?

Sungpenguin 🐊
You didn't notice?
Riki asked Sungjin to switch seats since she texted us.

Why r u all talking about us? Aren't we allowed to sleep?

Mint chocolate  addicted kid 🥶
Oh you're awake?

Kitty Cat 🤞
Did we woke u up? When yes then we're sorry:(

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