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The next morning they all were up pretty early

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The next morning they all were up pretty early. The breakfast was at 9am and everyone had to be there.

They had 4 days left until the first concert in one of the biggest staduim in Chicago. All wanted to have a great show to make all the international engenes happy. So they needed to train a lot.

It was a middle-tensed atmosphere. Of course everyone was nervous and excited especially for this first concert. After they had to cancel the manifesto tour in 2022, they all wanted to make to make this tour all the better and bigger so as not to disappoint anyone.

All members, staffs, the management and other people of the korean team met at the lobby, shortly after the breakfast.

When Ju-won woke up she didn't really remember that her brother carried her to their room since she was so tired that night. This morning all received enough sleep so they paid good attention to the manager speaking in front of them.

"I hope you guys could rest and sleep well. Today we will practise in a hall that is almost as big as the actual concert hall. We will train today and tomorrow at it. Sunday, the day before the concert, we will practise the show in the concert hall. And of course on monday, first the soundcheck and afterwards the show, I guess you're already used to this process.

No please pay attention. Tomorrow night, we will go on a party wegot invited to by our american management. It isn't a big party, so it starts pretty early. It begins at 6pm. It's up to you how long you'll stay there, but please don't check in too late, remember the training starts at 11am every day.

We'll meet you in 30 minutes at the vans. Thank you" He ended his speech sucessfully.

After this everyone went upstairs to their rooms to pack all the things they'll need.


Ju-won just took her phone, wallet and headphones, planning to explore the city a bit on her own while the others would have training. It would have been too boring to just watch them sweating.

Even though she didn't know which songs they'd play she reather wanted to get surprised on the day of th show.

"Are you just going to watch us or what do you want to do today?" She was asked by her brother, which was currently packing his training bag.

Things like water bottles, towlels, body spray and of course training clothes needed to be in it. Without you'd probably not be able to train the right way.

"No, I think I'm gonna explore the city a bit. On our way here I saw a cool corner, I really want to see it" His sister replied to him. She was playing with her little keychain on her wallet.

The keychain was a flower. A daisy. She had it since she was a kid. Then, Ju-won was about 4 years old. She fell on the floor on the playground and hurt her knee. Although it was so long ago, she could still remember how her mom gave it to her, because she was proud.

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