Chapter 23: Buzz Time

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Three weeks later

Santa Barbara Co. Hospital

Michael's POV

"Michael..." A soft female voice called.

I opened my eyes slowly and noticed Nurse Tina standing next to the hospital bed. "Good morning..." I yawned.

She folded her arms and continued to stare at me. "We talked about this..."

I scrunched my eyebrows, confused as to what she was referring to. Then, when Zoe shifted against my chest, I understood.

"You cannot sleep in the bed with her, for the thousandth time. It isn't safe. These beds are not made for two."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." I rolled my eyes, sliding from underneath Zoe and standing.

"No need for attitude. I understand that you want to hold your wife. I'm just following-"

"Hospital policy. I got it, Nurse T. Thanks."

She smirked. "If you were my son I'd bend you over my knee for that sarcastic mouth of yours."

"He doesn't have to be your son for you to give him a good spanking. Go ahead..." Zoe joked, sitting up in bed with a yawn.

I smiled and went to kiss her. "Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?"

"I slept fine, you?"

"Oh he slept great." Nurse Tina answered for me.

I looked over at her. "Don't you have some breakfast to serve or something?"

She scoffed. "Oh hush, child. Anyway, Miss Zoe, is it alright if I check your vitals this morning?"

Zoe nodded. "Why not..."

I pulled a chair close to Zoe and sat down. My back is killing me. I hate laying all scrunched up in that hospital bed, but it's the only way Zoe can get to sleep. So no matter what Nurse Tina says, I'm going to continue to do it for as long as Zoe needs me to.

"Ready for Round 1?" Nurse Tina asked as she took Zoe's blood pressure.

Zoe looked down at her hands. "I guess I have to be..." She responded. She took a deep breath and ran her hands through her hair nervously.

Nurse T noticed what she was doing and smiled sympathetically. "Don't worry about the hair, it'll grow back. Plus you won't start to lose it until a few months into your chemotherapy."

Zoe smiled. "Oh I could care less about that. It's just hair. We're actually buzzing it today and donating it."

Nurse T's eyes widened. "Wow, you are a great woman, Miss Zoe."

"Tell her something she doesn't know." I chimed in.

She gave me a scolding look. "Michael, don't you have some policy rules to break or something?"

I snorted. "Funny."

Nurse T and Zoe cracked up as I rolled my eyes and pretended to be mad. Zoe and I have formed a first name basis relationship with all of her nurses and doctors. There all very kind people, and have great personalities. Not your average boring hospital staff.

"I'm going to get you both some breakfast...." She cut her eyes at me. "I'll be right be back."

As soon as she left the room I sat next to Zoe on the bed and hugged her. "How are you feeling, baby?"

She sighed. "I am a little nervous but hopeful at the same time. A part of me doesn't want to do it and the other part just wants to get it over with."

Love and Weakness (Third Part of "Love In The Spotlight") MJ FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now