Michael's POV
I rushed down the hall with Junior on my hip and a lunch bag in my hand toward Zoe's room. I opened the door and was relieved to see that she wasn't there. That means she's already in the car and ready to go. I hurried to the staircase and trotted down them as Junior clung to my neck, thoroughly confused about what is going on. I was in such a rush that I kinda forgot to tell him why I was putting his shoes on and carrying him out of his room. Oh well, I'll explain later.
Bill stood waiting at the bottom of the staircase and I handed Junior off to him. "Everything's all set, Mike." He informed me as we walked out of the front door. We got a car for Junior and Zoe's family to ride in. You and Zoe will ride separately."
I nodded as we approached the two cars. "Great idea." It would obviously be way too tense if we all rode in the same car.
Bill approached one of the cars and opened the door, sitting Junior in his booster seat. I poked my head in the car and kissed his cheek. "Love you, buddy. Can someone please explain to him what's happening?" I asked Lola and Ramone and they both nodded. I kissed Junior again before backing away and shutting the car door. Bill and I jogged over to the car Zoe was in and wasted no time hopping inside.
I turned to Zoe with a smile that quickly faded when I noticed the sweat protruding from her forehead and the grimace on her face. "Okay, baby..." I said softly, scooting closer to her. "Breathe with me, okay? Just like they taught us in that class, remember? Two inhales, one exhale. Ready?" I asked as I rubbed her back. She nodded slowly. "Okay, hee hee, hoooo, hee hee, hoooo..." We breathed together.
She suddenly doubled over and groaned. "Michael... I can't... The contractions are getting closer together..." She whimpered as she clutched her lower stomach.
I smoothed her hair out of her face and continued to rub her back. "We're almost there, baby... Just keep breathing with me, okay?"
A tear trickled down her cheek as she continued the breathing exercise, although her breathing was shaky. "I'm scared, Michael... She's early... The doctor said she might be coming a little early but not so soon. Why is she coming so soon?"
I scrunched my eyebrows. "When did the doctor say she might be coming early?" I asked.
"This morning on the phone. I forgot to tell you..."
I nodded, remembering the reason she didn't have the chance to tell me. Wow, I'm such an ass. I kissed the side of her face softly. "Lots of babies are born early, honey. Maybe she's just ready to get out..." I comforted her with a small smile.
"Do you think it's because of me? I kept letting stress get to me... This my fault..."
"Shhhh, don't say that baby. We don't know why this happening yet, okay? Let's just pray for a healthy baby and let the doctors do the rest."
She gulped and nodded, resting her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head and held her in my arms gently. Please, God, give us a healthy child. I know I have sinned several times during this pregnancy and I am unworthy of your blessings. Please don't let my mistakes project onto my child. She is innocent. Please protect her. We need her.
"Bill, is everything settled at the hospital?" I asked him, interrupting him as he constantly yelled at the driver to hurry.
"It's all settled. She'll have a whole floor to herself, like last time. We even got the suite."
Zoe's head snapped up. "I don't want the suite, I told you guys that."
"It's too late now, Zoe. We just gotta get this baby delivered, whether it's in a suite or not." I assured her. She seemed as though she wanted to argue more but she just laid against my chest instead, a slightly bothered look on her face. When Junior was born, Zoe had him in a regular hospital room. No kitchenette, no luxury bed, nothing. She refused. She said she shouldn't be treated as any more special than the millions of other women who have children. She didn't want us to block off the whole floor either, but for security purposes we had no choice.

Love and Weakness (Third Part of "Love In The Spotlight") MJ Fantasy
FanfictionMichael and Zoe were strong enough to manage a 9 year relationship, but after a whirlwind of drama, betrayal, and even death, Michael decides to call it quits. Will he really force the pregnant and lonely Zoe to handle life without him? When the mos...