Los Angeles Center for Cancer Treatment
Zoe's POV
I glanced over at the clock on the wall impatiently. It's almost 1pm. Michael was supposed to be here 2 hours ago. In a few minutes my new doctor is going to come share some test results. He's actually come to speak to me several times, but I keep asking him to wait just a few more minutes for my husband's arrival. This is a huge moment, because it will be the first time that I will know for sure what's happening to me. This whole place is dedicated to cancer research and treatment, so there's no room for mistakes like at the hospital in Santa Barbara.
Speaking of that, I was truly shocked to hear that Michael cursed out the doctors. I actually found it kind of amusing, because that is so out of character for him. I'm not saying he doesn't curse, because Lord knows he's given me a good cursing on many occasions. But two doctors? Imagining the looks they must have had seeing Michael Jackson of all people going off on them makes me chuckle.
I heard the door creak open and I instantly perked up.
"Hey, Michael still isn't here?" Jessie asked, stepping into the room. He was here with me this morning when I was waiting for Michael, and by now he's already gone to get me lunch and come back. Still no Michael.
Disappointed, I sat back. "No, he hasn't called either..." I sighed.
He sat the bag of food down on a table next to my bed and began pulling it out. "Did you try calling him?"
I nodded. "I called the house and Patti said he wasn't 'available'. I don't know his cell phone number by heart."
"I have it." He informed me. "Do you want me to call him or do you want to do it?" He asked as he passed me a paper plate with a grilled chicken sandwich on it and a water bottle.
"Mrs. Jackson," Someone spoke as they entered the room. I looked up to see one of my new doctors, Dr. Remington. "Your husband still hasn't made it in?"
I shook my head. "No.... but we haven't been in touch with him so it's probably best if we just go ahead with the results."
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Yeah, it's okay." I responded. "Jessie, will you try to call his cell please?"
He nodded. "Sure thing. I'll call Bill, too." He said as he stepped out of the room.
As he left, I noticed that I was alone in the room with the doctor. It gave me a weird feeling. Before, I never had a moment alone. There were always people around. Now, my husband doesn't even show up. My stomach fluttered a little at the thought. Michael better have a good ass excuse.
I sighed and sat up a little more, turning my attention to Dr. Remington. "Alright, Doc. Let's hear it." I urged him.
He pulled up a chair and sat next to the hospital bed. "Well, first of all, although the tumor was successfully removed from your breast, it seems that the doctors waited much too long to remove it. It has already spread to your lung..."
I swallowed a lump in my throat. "M-my lung?" I stammered.
He nodded. "It's rather progressed also. In fact, your entire chest cavity is being affected by it..."
My heart thumped against chest. "So what now? More chemo? Another surgery?"
He sighed. "You are facing more chemo, yes, maybe even a couple of rounds of radiation. But as far as a surgery..."
"Just give it to me straight. I can handle it." I said, mentally preparing myself for whatever he would say next.
"It's extremely risky. Given the fact that you've already endured one surgery, I would say there's a 70% chance that you won't make it through another, especially one so rigorous. My plan is to use treatment to stop the tumor from growing and kill the cancer cells, but...." He paused and sighed, removing his glasses from his face. "Even if treatment goes well, you will still have the tumor. It's nearly impossible to live a full life with a tumor present on a lung."
I let the strong woman in me take the news, never shedding a tear. "So how long?"
He rested his hand on top of mine. "6 months..."
My jaw dropped along with my heart and my strong woman act disappeared. "6-......6...." I stuttered, truly unable to believe the words that just came out of his mouth. "6 months?" I finally managed to say, my throat closing around the words. I raised a shaky hand to cover my mouth as tears streamed down my face.
Dr. Remington rubbed my shoulder in comfort. "One thing I can say to you is, as many years as I've spent in science labs and research institutes, there are some things that just can't be explained by science. There is such thing as miracles."
At that moment, Jessie re-entered the room, but his face fell when he noticed the mood had shifted.
Dr. Remington offered him a polite nod and stood from his seat. "I'll give you a little privacy. If you have any questions, I'll be here."
When he left the room Jessie took his seat next to me. "I couldn't get through to Michael or Bill." He mentioned. "What... W-what did the doctor say?" He struggled to ask with fear in his eyes.
I looked up at him and, knowing I was in no place to answer him, broke down into violent sobs.
Michael's POV
"Don't hurt her!" I shouted at Bill. "Lisa, please calm down!"
She continued to fight against Bill but he was obviously much too strong for her. Disgruntled, she gave up trying to fight. When he saw she wasn't resisting anymore, he carefully let go of her and took a small step back.
As if on cue, she picked up a nearby vase and hurtled it at me. My eyes widened as I ducked, the base barely missing my head and smashing against the wall.
Guilt washed over me when I noticed that the vase was a rather expensive one that Zoe had custom made for me in India.
Unable to deal with her any longer, I gave Bill the nod. In an instant, he called for back up before sweeping her off of her feet and carrying her out of the room.
"Fuck you, Michael! You'll pay for this!" She screamed, along with a string of other profanities as my guards removed her from the premises.
Still in a state of shock, I sighed looking around at all of the broken items scattered across the floor. Frustrated, I picked up an already cracked figurine and chucked it against the wall, listening to it break into hundreds of pieces.
Determined to calm down, I sat on the couch and rubbed my hands over my face. Everything that just happened sickens me. First of all, Lisa somehow managed to get into the house. How, exactly, I have no clue. All I know is I came in this sitting room and she was in here. As soon as she saw me she went ballistic, crying and yelling. Of course I felt bad for her, even though she did come in without my permission, and I tried to comfort her. But there was no use. Out of no where, she started breaking things, throwing them and dropping them.
At that point, Bill realized what was going on and came to help. He was a little rough with her, and I didn't want him to hurt her, even though she might've deserved it. When she threw that vase at me though, and I realized which one it was, I decided enough is enough. Looking at that vase, all I saw was Zoe, and I realized that not only was Lisa out of hand, but she was openly disrespecting my wife, and that's where I draw the line.
I was actually on my way to go see Zoe, running a little late, when all of this happened.
My eyes bulged out of my head when I remembered that we were supposed to hear Zoe's test results this morning. "Shit!" I muttered, stepping carefully over broken glass as I exited the room. Zoe has probably been calling like crazy. She must be so confused.
As I rushed to a nearby phone to call the security office to get a car ready, I hoped with every ounce of my heart that Zoe didn't have to hear those results without me.

Love and Weakness (Third Part of "Love In The Spotlight") MJ Fantasy
FanfictionMichael and Zoe were strong enough to manage a 9 year relationship, but after a whirlwind of drama, betrayal, and even death, Michael decides to call it quits. Will he really force the pregnant and lonely Zoe to handle life without him? When the mos...