Neverland Ranch
Michael's POV
I struggled to hold my eyes open as I shifted my body on the couch. I heard Zoe giggle lightly, snapping me awake.
"Banana in the tailpipe..." She chuckled, anticipating our favorite part of the movie Beverly Hills Cop. It's one of the first movies we watched together, and we both know every line. Even though I love it, I'm way too tired to watch. We've been on 2 flights in 2 days and I could seriously use some sleep, but Zoe's been having a hard time sleeping lately so I have to keep her company.
Suddenly she grabbed the remote and paused the movie. I turned to her with a confused look. She sat the remote back down and faced me.
"I'm going to talk to John." She stated.
A smile instantly spread across my face. "That's great, baby. I'm glad you changed your mind."
She nodded slowly. "But after him I'm done. I think I can find other ways to heal than traveling around, ya know?"
"Whatever you think is best..." I agreed.
"After my next treatment I'm going to put a will together."
I tensed up but decided to push away my discomfort. "Alright." I said shortly.
"I think I'm going to leave everything to the kids."
I took a shaky breath and looked down at my hands. "What about your family?"
She shrugged. "I guess I'll leave them money. But all of my possessions and my estate will go to the babies."
"I don't know... They won't be able to have any control until they're 18, so you might want to include an adult."
She tapped her chin as she considered my point. "You're right. So I'll leave it to you until they're of age."
I raised an eyebrow. "But what if something happens to me?"
Her face fell. "I-... Well... Maybe you should write a will, too."
I sighed and shook my head. "I don't like the sound of that..."
She recognized tension and chose to avoid it. "Fine, but at least think about it, okay? It might be for the best..."
I nodded. "I'll think about it."
She smiled weakly and held my hand in hers. I grinned and brought her hand to my lips, kissing it softly. I placed a finger underneath her chin and leaned in for a kiss. She giggled childishly against my lips.
"You're my superwoman." I whispered. "I can't imagine being as strong as you..."
She blushed. "You're much stronger than me. I've always wanted to be more like you."
I chuckled. "Well you've surpassed me for sure..."
She smiled and pulled me in for another quick kiss. "Do you remember our first date?" She asked randomly. (Read Chapter 6 of Love In The Spotlight to jog your memory!)
I bit my bottom lip as I reminisced. "Of course... It was an amazing night."
She snickered. "It was perfect. You really swept me off of my feet that day. I couldn't believe it. I'd never been on a date like that. I mean, dinner in an aquarium? Who would be sweet enough to think of that?"
"It made me happy to see you happy... I felt accomplished." I bragged.
"Very accomplished indeed." She said with a wink. "And then... Did we kiss that night?"

Love and Weakness (Third Part of "Love In The Spotlight") MJ Fantasy
FanficMichael and Zoe were strong enough to manage a 9 year relationship, but after a whirlwind of drama, betrayal, and even death, Michael decides to call it quits. Will he really force the pregnant and lonely Zoe to handle life without him? When the mos...