Chapter 32: The Note

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Michael's POV

The bright sun rays shined through the windows and landed directly on my face. I squinted and raised my hand to block the light.

"Close the blinds, baby." I said to Zoe, rolling over on my side to face her.

I noticed she wasn't in bed and sighed. Why did she leave the blinds open? She knows I hate brightness when I'm trying to sleep. I groaned and dragged myself out of bed, slumping over to the windows. I closed the blinds and the curtains in aggravation before making my way back to bed.

I noticed a piece of paper folded into a square laying on her pillow. I smirked as I reached for it, assuming it was her way of apologizing for our argument last night. Back in the day we hated arguing so we always left each other notes. The memory made me smile.

I unfolded the note and bit my bottom lip as I look down at it to read her sweet apology.

Dear Michael,

No, this isn't an apology note. I'm writing this to let you know how I feel without screaming in your face. Please read this note carefully and try to understand where I'm coming from.

First of all, I don't want to die. I'm not looking forward to it. I wish I could just clap my hands and make the tumor go away. But unfortunately, I can't do that. Reality is, I will most likely pass away in the coming months. Whether you choose to accept and believe it or not is up to you but it's the truth and we both know it.

The hardest part of all of this for me is the thought of not being able to watch my babies grow up. And not being able to spend the rest of forever with you like we talked about a long time ago. The second hardest part is all of the regrets that I will have to die with. Michael, there are so many things that happened in my life that I wish I could go back and change. There are also a lot of pain other people caused me that I never received a proper explanation for. Knowing that my life is at risk, these things are on my mind now more than ever. With all of this on my heart, I know that my soul could never rest in peace.

That's the purpose of my journey to healing. I want to forgive. I want to move on. I want to relieve my heart of the burdens it has carried for too many years. Because you are so blind to the reality of my predicament, you overlooked how important this is to me. Not only that, but you blatantly disrespected me as a woman, your wife, and the mother of your children by taking advantage of your power just to keep me under your thumb. You made me stay in the house to make yourself feel better. What about how I feel, Michael? I'm not spending the last 6 months of my life being told what to do. If I'm dying, I'm dying with a head full knowledge, a soul without guilt, and a heart full of love. You can't take that from me.

As of now, I am most likely on a plane and close to landing.

My eyes bulged as I read that last sentence over and over. There's no way she's gone... There's no way. To ease my confusion I decided to read the rest of the letter.

Yes, I left the house. Last night, Jessie helped me sneak out. Junior is with me. Right now you're probably infuriated that I snuck away, but I think that you should analyze the situation a little. Your wife had to sneak away from you. Let that sink in, Mike. I had to sneak away because you would not accept my decisions as a proper husband should. You should be embarrassed.

My purpose is not to make you feel bad. I just want you to open your eyes and put yourself in my shoes. Realize how hard this is for me. Realize how much this trip means to me. Realize how much you've been hurting me.

I sat down and wrote a list of all of the people that I want to speak with, and at the very end of it I wrote your name. No one has ever broken my heart like you have. No one has ever broken your heart like I have. It would mean the world to me if we could sit down and talk about our relationship and get some things off of our chests.

Although you held me captive, I love you to the ends of the world. When I made my list of people I wanted to speak with, I also made a list of things that made me feel complete. You were at the top of that list. Without you, I wouldn't have my babies. Without you, I wouldn't have had 10 amazing and passionate years of memories to take to my grave. Without you, there would be no me. I am the woman I am today only because you love me. And please know that I love you a thousand times more.

If you want to contact me, call Jessie. I'll be back to Neverland in a week for my chemo. Don't worry, I have a traveling doctor with me. To save an argument, I want to let you knew before we speak in person that I am not following your rules anymore. I will spend the rest of my life the way I want. You can either stand by me and support me or fight against me, throwing away the chance to be happy with me before it's too late.

I hope this letter really helped you understand how I feel. I love you so much, baby. Don't forget that. I didn't leave to hurt you. I left to be true to myself. Please just support me in this because I need you.

For all time,
Zoe Jackson <3

Love and Weakness (Third Part of &quot;Love In The Spotlight&quot;) MJ FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now