"struggles" - 0.1

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In shadows cast by moonlit fears,
A teenage girl, her soul in tears.
With heavy heart and weary mind,
She battles demons undefined.

Her days are draped in shades of gray,
A storm within that won't betray.
A fragile heart, burdened with pain,
She seeks solace, but all in vain.

In a world that spins too fast to see,
She hides her wounds, so silently.
Behind her smile, a silent plea,
"Can't you hear the cries in me?"

Anxiety's whispers, ever near,
Unleash the doubts she holds so dear.
They twist and turn within her core,
A constant battle, forevermore.

Depression's weight, a heavy shroud,
Engulfs her spirit, like a cloud.
Its tendrils grip with icy hold,
As hope seems distant, growing cold.

Yet, through the darkness, a flicker gleams,
A ray of light, breaking through the seams.
In her heart, resilience resides,
A warrior spirit, that never subsides.

She finds her voice, begins to share,
The battles fought with utmost care.
Her truth unfolds, a beacon bright,
Guiding others through the darkest night.

For in her struggle, she finds her might,
A teenage girl, brave in her fight.
United, we stand, hearts intertwined,
Supporting each other, love defined.

So let her know, she's not alone,
That her pain will one day be outgrown.
And though the path may seem unclear,
She's cherished, loved, and held so dear.

For in her journey, she'll come to find,
Strength and beauty in her fragile mind.
A teenage girl, with scars unseen,
A beacon of hope, forever serene.

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