"growing up" - 0.7

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In the tender grasp of fleeting years,
A journey unfolds, dispelling fears.
From innocence to wisdom's embrace,
Growing up, a tapestry we trace.

Like seeds in soil, we start so small,
Curiosity's flame, bound to enthral.
With every step, we stumble, we learn,
Each twist and turn, life's pages turn.

Childhood's magic, a radiant bloom,
Imagination's playground, free from gloom.
Laughter dances in carefree delight,
As we chase dreams, in sun's golden light.

Yet time moves on, and childhood wanes,
Youth beckons with its vibrant refrains.
We navigate the maze, seeking our place,
Discovering passions, finding our grace.

Through trials and triumphs, we persevere,
The path not always straight, nor always clear.
Lessons etched upon the heart's terrain,
Mistakes and victories, both leave a stain.

Friendships forged in fires of shared delight,
Growing bonds that withstand the darkest night.
Together we weather life's ebb and flow,
In the tapestry of memories we sow.

As we venture forth, into the unknown,
Strength awakens, seeds of independence sown.
Responsibilities, like petals unfurled,
We navigate the complex dance of the world.

Yet amidst the gains, we shed a tear,
For the innocence lost, cherished and dear.
But oh, the wonders that await our view,
As we embrace the journey, bold and true.

For growing up is a symphony to behold,
A mosaic of stories, both new and old.
With open hearts, we embrace the call,
To grow, to learn, to stumble, to fall.

So let us cherish each step we take,
The joy, the sorrow, the risks we make.
For in the tapestry of growing years,
Lies the beauty of life, through smiles and tears.

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