"trauma" - 0.13

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In the depths of our being, a story untold,
Lies the echoing whispers of trauma, bold.
A haunting presence, an indelible mark,
That shapes our journey through light and dark.

Like a tempest's fury, trauma descends,
Leaving fragments of shattered innocence.
It dances in shadows, a relentless tide,
Leaving wounds unseen, deep inside.

It lingers in memories, etched in our core,
A weight we carry, yearning to restore.
Yet within the darkness, resilience thrives,
A flicker of hope, where strength derives.

Through the pain, we learn to rise,
Like phoenixes, reborn, defying demise.
Scars become badges of courage worn,
Reminders of battles fought and won.

In vulnerability, we find our might,
Healing fragments, piece by piece, in sight.
With compassion's touch and love's embrace,
We rewrite the narrative, with grace.

Trauma's burden, we need not carry alone,
For in unity, seeds of resilience are sown.
Together we heal, hand in hand we mend,
Supporting one another, as kindred friends.

So let us honor the journeys we tread,
With empathy's embrace, no soul goes unread.
In the tapestry of life, trauma finds its place,
Transforming wounds into wisdom's embrace.

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