"eyes" - 0.28

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In the windows of the soul, behold,
A universe of stories, yet untold.
Eyes, the portals to worlds unseen,
Reflecting emotions, vibrant and keen.

In hues of amber or sapphire blue,
A glimpse of secrets, hidden from view.
They speak volumes, without a sound,
A language universal, profound.

Eyes, like stars in a midnight sky,
Twinkling with dreams and questions why.
They mirror joy, with each twinkling gleam,
Or spill tears, like a river's stream.

Through eyes, we witness love's tender gaze,
A connection forged in endless ways.
They hold the power to heal and mend,
With a knowing glance, a message they send.

Eyes, the storytellers of our soul,
They hold our truths, they make us whole.
With a single look, they can ignite,
Passion, desire, or a sense of fright.

So, cherish the eyes that meet your own,
For in their depths, a universe is shown.
Embrace their beauty, their mystic grace,
And let them guide you, in life's embrace.

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