"happiness" - 0.20

13 4 17

In a world where shadows often loom,
There's a cherished emotion that can't be assumed.
It dances like sunlight upon a gentle stream,
A magical feeling, like a vibrant dream.

Happiness, oh sweet and elusive delight,
A symphony of joy, painting life so bright.
It whispers in laughter, it sings in a smile,
It lingers in moments that make life worthwhile.

It blooms in a child's innocent glee,
In a lover's embrace, where hearts feel free.
It thrives in friendships, sturdy and strong,
In acts of kindness that right the world's wrong.

Happiness hides not in wealth or gold,
But in simple pleasures, both big and bold.
A warm cup of tea on a rainy day,
A star-studded sky lighting the Milky Way.

It's the scent of flowers, a gentle breeze,
The rustle of leaves in the autumn trees.
It's the taste of love within a home-cooked meal,
The healing touch that makes a heart feel.

Happiness, a treasure within us all,
Waiting to be found, to rise and enthrall.
So seek it with purpose, let it be your guide,
For in its embrace, life's beauty resides.

Embrace each moment, both joyous and small,
For happiness, my friend, awaits us all.

authors note:
im alive i got suspended 😞
but me acctually writing a happy poem for once 😆😆‼️‼️

love u all😻‼️
bri and tor's daughter 😜

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