"to my best friend" - 0.23

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In a world adorned with stars aglow,
There's a friendship that continues to grow.
A bond so pure, a connection so deep,
My beautiful best friend, you're the one I keep.

With grace and radiance, you light up the room,
A flower in full bloom, dispelling all gloom.
Every step you take, a trail of dreams you chase,
Your spirit uplifts, leaving hearts in embrace.

Through life's trials, you've persevered with might,
Your strength and resilience, a shining light.
With every hurdle conquered, you've shown your worth,
My heart swells with pride for all you've unearthed.

I'm filled with joy, seeing you thrive and succeed,
From the depths of my soul, genuine happiness indeed.
You've reached new heights, soaring high and free,
And in this journey, your triumphs I proudly see.

Your accomplishments, a reflection of your grace,
A testament to your spirit, that shines in every place.
You inspire me, my dear friend, in ways untold,
Your passion and dedication, a story to unfold.

So here's to you, my beautiful best friend,
May your path be paved with joy that never ends.
As proud as can be, I stand by your side,
Celebrating your success, with love and pride.

authors note:
deticated to ml Tr3s1echesbae
i love you forever. 💗

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