"tears" - 0.16

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Silent messengers of unspoken pain,
Tears cascade like rain, our emotions unchain.
Glistening droplets, both gentle and strong,
They carry stories, melodies of a heart's song.

In moments of joy, tears shimmer and gleam,
Overflowing with happiness, like a sunbeam.
They dance upon cheeks, a radiant display,
Expressing love and gratitude in their own way.

But tears also fall in moments of sorrow,
When grief weighs heavy, a burden to borrow.
They cleanse our wounds, a healing release,
As we navigate life's valleys, seeking inner peace.

Each tear holds a story, a tale to be told,
A testament to resilience, both young and old.
They speak of vulnerability, of strength untold,
A language of emotions, profound and bold.

In tears, we find solace, a sacred release,
A bridge between pain and a gentle peace.
They remind us of our shared humanity,
That we're not alone in life's tapestry.

So let tears flow freely, without disdain,
For they carry the essence of joy and pain.
In their shimmering trails, we find a connection,
A reminder that tears are part of our reflection.

Embrace them, honor them, let them be,
For tears are the soul's language, wild and free.
They speak of our journey, the depths we explore,
And in their presence, we find strength to restore.

authors note:
hi mlsss, i just wanted to say ty for everything especially literallylucille
and rositaswidow bcs yall have literally supported me since the beginning and ilysm💗💗💗

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