"what was i made for" - 0.2

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this is based off of billie eilish's song "what was i made for"

In a world of questions deep, I pondered,
Billie's words, like whispers, my heart wandered.
"What was I made for?" she softly sang,
A yearning in her voice, a longing that rang.

With each note, a glimpse into her soul,
A search for purpose, a story untold.
Her melody, a beacon in the night,
Guiding me through shadows, shining bright.

"What was I made for?" echoes in my mind,
A universal query, humankind's bind.
To find our place, our reason to be,
To leave a mark, for all to see.

Through her lyrics, emotions take flight,
Billie's introspection, a guiding light.
She weaves a tale of vulnerability,
Asking the universe for clarity.

In the depths of her song, I find solace,
A reminder that we all face this,
The quest to discover our truest self,
To unearth our purpose, like hidden wealth.

So, let us be inspired by Billie's plea,
To seek our calling, with hearts set free.
In the melody of life, we'll find our part,
For what were we made, but to follow our heart?

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