"scars" - 0.8

27 3 1

In a world of colors, vibrant and diverse,
Lies a shadow that plagues, a venomous curse.
Racism, the foe that tears hearts apart,
A stain on humanity, a poison in every heart.

From the whispers of history, we learn of the pain,
The struggles endured, the tears like rain.
Discrimination's grip, like chains that bind,
Leaving scars on souls, a wound that's hard to find.

But let us rise, united as one,
Together we stand, till justice is won.
For every skin shade, a unique story unfolds,
A tapestry of cultures, where beauty beholds.

Let empathy guide us, compassion our creed,
To shatter the barriers, and plant a new seed.
Inequality defeated, prejudice erased,
Love and respect, the foundation we embrace.

Embrace the differences, for they enrich our soul,
Each voice, each perspective, making us whole.
For in unity's embrace, we find strength anew,
A world free from racism, where dreams can come true.

So let us walk hand in hand, side by side,
With love as our compass, and ignorance defied.
In this poem's verse, a plea for harmony,
A brighter tomorrow, where racism will cease to be.

authors note:
ik this one might be a little controversial but as a person of color who has experienced discrimination this is a very heavy subject but i just wanted to share my input on it

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