"grief" - 0.4

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In shadowed depths where sorrow lies,
A poem weaves its mournful cries.
Grief, a tempest, fierce and wild,
Whispers softly, like an orphaned child.

With heavy heart and tear-stained face,
We navigate this desolate space.
Memories echo, hauntingly clear,
As we grapple with loss, so dear.

Grief, a journey we all must face,
Aching voids time cannot erase.
Yet within this darkness, a flicker of light,
Guiding us through the darkest of nights.

Tears flow freely, a cleansing rain,
Healing wounds that still remain.
We mourn the love that once did thrive,
Yet find solace knowing they're alive.

For in our hearts, their spirit dwells,
A flame that burns, forever swells.
Though they're gone, their essence remains,
In whispered echoes and gentle refrains.

So let us honor the pain we feel,
Embrace the wounds that time won't heal.
For within grief's embrace, we find,
Strength to heal, and love redefined.

And as we navigate this journey of grief,
May we find solace and find relief.
For in the depths of sorrow's embrace,
We discover resilience and boundless grace.

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