"undewater" - 0.35

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Beneath the surface, a world unknown,
Where sunlight fades and currents have grown.
A realm of wonder, where dreams take flight,
Underwater depths, a breathtaking sight.

As I dive into the azure blue,
A weightless dance, where time feels askew.
The water's embrace, a gentle caress,
A sanctuary of calm, a moment to possess.

In this liquid realm, I am set free,
Silent whispers of life surround me.
The coral reefs, a vibrant display,
A tapestry of colors, nature's ballet.

Graceful creatures glide with effortless ease,
Through swaying kelp forests, they gracefully tease.
The rhythm of life, a symphony below,
Where creatures of wonder, their secrets bestow.

The play of light, as sunbeams pierce through,
Casting radiant patterns, a magical view.
In this underwater haven, where tranquility lies,
I'm submerged in serenity, beneath azure skies.

As I explore this ethereal domain,
A sense of awe, an eternal refrain.
The depths hold mysteries, waiting to be revealed,
For in this underwater world, secrets are concealed.

With each breath I take, a connection is made,
To the ocean's heartbeat, a serenade.
I'm humbled by its vastness, its power and grace,
Immersed in its beauty, I find my own space.

So let me dive deeper, with wonder and delight,
Exploring this realm, where day turns to night.
For in the depths of the ocean's embrace,
I discover my essence, a deep sense of grace.

authors note:
hi 😜
umm im taking requests cuz ive run out of ideas 🤯😔

but tyty for all the support and i love i all, also i was bored last night if u couldn't tell 😭

taras wifey bae 😜💗

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