"green" - 0.11

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In nature's vibrant tapestry, behold the color green,
A hue of life and growth, a sight so serene.
As emerald leaves sway in the gentle breeze,
A symphony of tranquility whispers through the trees.

In meadows adorned with verdant grace,
Where blades of grass dance with elegant embrace,
Green paints the canvas of a world refreshed,
Awakening senses, soothing hearts enmeshed.

The luscious hues of moss upon the forest floor,
Where secrets whispered, ancient tales restore,
In green's embrace, harmonies arise,
Where solitude finds solace beneath the open skies.

From rolling hills that stretch beyond the eye,
To valleys lush where rivers gently ply,
Green breathes existence into every living thing,
A healer, a provider, from seedling to mighty king.

In gardens, green thumbs tend with tender care,
Nurturing life, blossoms delicate and rare,
A symbol of hope, of renewal and rebirth,
Green weaves its magic, spreading joy on Earth.

So let us celebrate this color's wondrous might,
A symbol of nature's resilience and delight,
In the tapestry of existence, a color supreme,
Green, the eternal muse, a sight to forever dream.

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