"stuck" - 0.32

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In the labyrinth of life, I find myself,
A soul adrift, seeking solace and stealth.
Trapped in a moment, stagnant and still,
Aching to break free, to climb every hill.

The wheels of time seem to grind and bind,
Leaving me desolate, confined in my mind.
The world moves on, in a relentless flow,
While I remain frozen, unable to grow.

Days blend into nights, a monotonous haze,
As I yearn for change, to break through the maze.
But uncertainty lingers, holding me tight,
With each passing moment, dimming my light.

Yet in the depths of this stagnant space,
A flicker of hope, a glimmer of grace.
For within me lies strength, dormant but true,
A spark that can ignite and carry me through.

I summon courage, I summon might,
To challenge the chains, to reclaim my flight.
For even in stillness, there's potential untold,
A chance to reshape, to be brave and bold.

I gather my fragments, piece by piece,
Unleashing the power that seeks release.
With each step forward, a new path unfolds,
Breaking free from the grip that once controlled.

For being stuck is but a temporary phase,
A lesson in disguise, guiding our ways.
With resilience as my guide, I'll find my way out,
Embracing the journey, dispelling all doubt.

So I'll rise from this slumber, with purpose and zest,
With the strength to face any daunting test.
For even in stagnation, growth can be found,
And I'll break free, my spirit unbound.

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