"broken promises" - 0.5

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In the realm of trust, a fragile vow was made,
A promise, once cherished, now begins to fade.
Like delicate petals, it bloomed with hope and light,
But alas, it crumbled, lost in the depths of night.

A broken promise echoes with a hollow sound,
Leaving shattered fragments scattered on the ground.
Words, once spoken with conviction and grace,
Now carry the weight of a bittersweet embrace.

The tendrils of trust, delicately entwined,
Unravel and fray, leaving scars behind.
A pledge, once strong, now withers and bends,
Leaving a void where hope and faith transcends.

Emotions collide, like waves upon the shore,
As a broken promise seeps into the core.
Disappointment's shadow casts a somber veil,
Leaving hearts bruised, weary, and frail.

Yet from the wreckage, strength begins to rise,
As healing whispers through teary eyes.
For in the aftermath, lessons are found,
And resilience emerges from the ground.

A broken promise may leave wounds unseen,
But with time, wounds can heal, and hearts can glean.
Forgiveness, a balm that mends what's torn,
Rebuilding bridges, and embracing what's reborn.

So let this poem be a testament, dear soul,
That broken promises need not take their toll.
From shattered fragments, we find strength anew,
Rebuilding trust, and forging a promise that's true.

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