"the other woman" 0.3

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In shadows' embrace, a tale unfolds,
Of love entangled, secrets untold.
I, the other woman, a silent flame,
Caught in a web of desire and shame.

Whispers of passion in the moonlit night,
Forbidden love, a clandestine delight.
Bound by a bond concealed from view,
Yearning for moments, just me and you.

Through stolen glances and hidden smiles,
We dance on the edge, where temptation beguiles.
A delicate balance, precarious and fine,
An affair that lingers, a forbidden sign.

In the depths of my heart, a bittersweet ache,
For I am the one who must constantly break.
Knowing I'm but a shadow in your life,
A hidden secret, a mistress of strife.

Yet, in stolen moments, our worlds collide,
A stolen touch, a love we can't hide.
But as the night fades and reality nears,
I'm left with a heart that's drenched in tears.

For I am the other, the one left unseen,
Aching for a love that can never convene.
In this eternal limbo, I silently reside,
The other woman, forever denied.

But within this sorrow, I find strength anew,
To seek my own path, to bid love adieu.
For I deserve more than being a mere pawn,
To find a love that's true, where I truly belong.

So, let my story be a lesson, dear friend,
To cherish the love that's yours to defend.
For in the end, it's honesty that prevails,
And the heart finds solace when truth unvreils.

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