"are we still friends" - 0.10

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In Tyler's realm of art and sound,
A poignant melody is found.
"Are We Still Friends?" whispers the air,
A heartfelt question, a soul laid bare.

With tender chords and lyrics deep,
Tyler's emotions skillfully seep.
He ponders a bond that once was strong,
Now fragile, uncertain, something gone wrong.

Through the verses, he seeks to mend,
The fractures that time did send.
A friendship tested, put to the test,
Will it endure or fade like a crest?

The melody dances, melancholic yet sweet,
As Tyler's voice carries the weight of defeat.
He sings of memories shared in the past,
And wonders if they'll forever last.

The lyrics paint a vivid scene,
Of laughter, tears, and what could have been.
Regrets and longing intertwine,
In this tender ballad, so divine.

"Are We Still Friends?" he gently inquires,
Yearning for answers, his heart aspires.
A plea for reconciliation, a chance to mend,
To salvage what's broken, to transcend.

With each verse, a glimmer of hope,
That friendship's flame will again elope.
The music swells with bittersweet grace,
As Tyler pours his soul in this sacred space.

So let us listen and introspect,
As Tyler's words our hearts detect.
For in his poem, we find our own art,
And ponder the friendships close to our heart.

authors note:
im taking requests so if u have a topic u want me to write abt lmk 💗💗💗

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