"oceans apart" - 0.26

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In a vast digital expanse we found,
A bond unbroken, though miles abound.
Through screens and wires, our hearts align,
An online friendship, truly divine.

In words we connect, emotions unfold,
A tapestry of stories, never old.
Across time zones, we share laughter and tears,
For you, my dear friend, I hold no fears.

Through pixels and bytes, our souls converse,
A friendship so deep, it's hard to reverse.
In virtual realms, we've built a trust,
A foundation strong, never to combust.

With keystrokes, we paint a world so bright,
Colors of friendship, a radiant light.
Though we may never meet face to face,
Our connection transcends time and space.

Through virtual hugs and heartfelt words,
Our bond grows stronger, like singing birds.
Distance can't hinder the love we share,
For in our hearts, we're always there.

So here's to you, dear online friend,
A treasure I'll cherish 'til the end.
In this digital realm, forever we'll be,
Connected souls, eternally free.

authors note:
deticated to
literallylucille t4rawriting rositaswidow Mayh3m_

my little online family, i love you all so much💗

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