"thoughts" - 0.41

18 2 2

In shadows cast by a troubled mind,
A tale unfolds, of struggles entwined.
Within the depths of a labyrinth maze,
Where battles rage in a silent haze.

A tempest brews, emotions collide,
As darkness whispers, deep inside.
Anxiety's grip, a relentless hold,
Like stormy seas, untamed and bold.

But amidst the chaos, a glimmer gleams,
A flicker of hope, where sunlight beams.
In vulnerability, strength is found,
A seed of courage, firmly planted in ground.

With tender care and patient grace,
The journey begins, a steady pace.
Seeking solace in words unspoken,
In hearts that mend, never truly broken.

Through tear-stained nights and weary days,
A spirit rises, finding its own ways.
In seeking help, a bridge is built,
To mend what's fractured, to find the guilt.

For in the struggle, we're not alone,
A chorus of voices, a symphony's tone.
Together, we rise, hand in hand,
Supporting each other, a steadfast band.

So let us be gentle, let us be kind,
To those who battle, their minds confined.
For in their stories, resilience thrives,
And hope emerges, as darkness subsides.

In this poem's verses, may you find,
A reminder that strength lies deep inside.
Embrace your journey, no matter how tough,
For in the struggle, you are enough.

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