"september" - 0.37

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September arrives, a month we hold dear,
With whispers of hope and compassion sincere.
For in its embrace, a purpose does lie,
To shed light on hearts that may yearn to fly.

Amidst the falling leaves and autumn's embrace,
We rally together, a united embrace.
For September's calling, a solemn demand,
To stand against darkness, extend a helping hand.

In this sacred space, where hearts intertwine,
We raise our voices, a chorus divine.
To honor the battles fought in silence's reign,
And kindle a flame where hope will remain.

For it's Suicide Prevention Month we embrace,
A time of reflection, a compassionate chase.
To offer solace to souls burdened with despair,
And show them a world that's ready to care.

We spread understanding, like colors in bloom,
A vibrant tapestry, dispelling the gloom.
Through empathy's language, we heal and we mend,
Extending our love, ensuring no one's left to fend.

Together we listen, with open hearts wide,
Creating safe spaces where pain can subside.
With compassion as armor, we march side by side,
For every life matters, let it be our guide.

So let us be beacons, shining bright in the night,
A beacon of hope, a resolute light.
We pledge to stand tall, erasing the stigma,
And walk hand in hand, through shadows and figmenta.

In this September's grace, let us unite,
To cherish each life, to make things right.
For in preventing the darkness, we find our way,
Together we rise, embracing a brand-new day.

authors note:
please check up on your loved ones and make sure there ok ☹️💗 also im 1 yr clean this month so 😁


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