"change" 0.6

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In the dance of life, where moments unfold,
There lies a force, both gentle and bold.
Change, the constant companion by our side,
Guiding us on a journey, far and wide.

With each step we take, the world transforms,
Embracing us in its ever-shifting norms.
Change whispers in the wind, a beckoning call,
Inviting us to grow, to rise and to fall.

It sweeps through seasons, with colors ablaze,
Transforming landscapes in its mystical ways.
From buds to blossoms, from green to gold,
Change paints the tapestry, vibrant and bold.

Like the river that carves through mountains tall,
Change shapes our lives, as it cascades and falls.
It challenges our comfort, breaks routine's chains,
Igniting the spark that within us remains.

Change can be daunting, the unknown unkind,
But it gifts us new chapters to seek and find.
It breathes fresh air into stagnant dreams,
Unveiling possibilities, bursting at the seams.

With change comes growth, like petals unfurled,
Revealing the beauty of an evolving world.
It teaches resilience, as we adapt and learn,
Embracing the twists and turns life may churn.

So let us embrace change with open hearts,
And dance with its rhythm as each new day starts.
For in the ebb and flow of life's grand stage,
Change is the catalyst that turns the page.

In the symphony of change, let us find grace,
As we navigate the shifting paths we face.
For within the winds of change, we'll find our way,
Embracing the journey, come what may.

authors note:
ty emily for the ideaaaa
and also i just wanted to say thank you for all the support and i love you 💗💗

thats it bye loves :)

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