"a call for help" - 0.39

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In shadows deep, where thoughts reside,
A call for help, the heart can't hide.
When darkness falls upon the mind,
A plea for solace, let it find.

Whispers lost in the silent night,
Yearning for a guiding light.
When tears become the words unsaid,
Seeking solace, to be gently led.

In a world that may not understand,
Aching souls reach out for a helping hand.
The weight of burdens, heavy to bear,
A call for help, a tender prayer.

Let not the stigma hold you tight,
Reach out, dear soul, with all your might.
For in vulnerability, strength is found,
A lifeline grasped, love's grace unbound.

Know that you're never on your own,
In this vast universe we all call home.
Together we'll weave a tapestry of care,
A call for help, we'll always be there.

So raise your voice, let it be heard,
For your pain deserves to be observed.
In unity, we'll heal and grow,
A call for help, the seeds we sow.

Remember, my friend, you're not alone,
In this journey where hearts are prone.
Reach out, embrace the love that's near,
For hope and healing, we shall cohere.

authors note:

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