"regret" - 0.33

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In the depths of reflection, I'm haunted by the past,
Regret, like a shadow, its grip holds steadfast.
A symphony of choices, echoes of what's been,
The weight of missed opportunities, a burden within.

Regret, a bitter companion, whispers in my ear,
Reminding me of moments I wish I could steer.
The roads not taken, the words left unsaid,
The chances I let slip, the dreams left unfed.

Oh, how I long to rewind the hands of time,
To rewrite the chapters, to amend each crime.
But alas, the past is etched, in permanent ink,
A canvas of memories, where regrets sink.

Regret, a teacher in disguise, implores me to learn,
To seek forgiveness, to let my heart yearn.
For within its depths lies a seed of growth,
A reminder of humanity, of our shared oath.

Through regret's bitter lens, I find clarity's embrace,
A chance to make amends, to find solace and grace.
To learn from mistakes, to chart a new course,
To embrace the present, with unwavering force.

Regret, a poignant reminder of our fragile existence,
A catalyst for change, a call to persistence.
For in its wake, we find the strength to forgive,
To live each day with purpose, for as long as we live.

So let regret be a guide, not a prison of despair,
A catalyst for growth, a reminder to care.
For in the tapestry of life, with its twists and its turns,
Regret becomes a catalyst for lessons learned.

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