"trios NEVER work"

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(this is a joke guys😭)

In the realm where friendships thrive,
Trios dance with hopes alive.
Yet, caution whispers in the air,
For trios face a tangled snare.

Three souls entwined, they try to soar,
But harmony's a fragile chore.
The balance wavers, teetering light,
As egos vie for prominence's might.

One voice may dominate the stage,
While others fade, their words engage,
A struggle for attention's embrace,
Leaving some hearts in a lonesome place.

A trio's bond, like threads of lace,
Can fray and strain in such a space.
For jealousy may rear its head,
And trust, once strong, may turn to dread.

Decisions made, emotions entwined,
Opinions clash, bonds undermined.
Compromise, a delicate art,
In trios, it can quickly depart.

Though friendships forged in threes may start,
With laughter, joy, and heartfelt spark,
The road ahead is paved with strife,
As power struggles come to life.

Yet, let us not lose hope or say,
That trios crumble, fade away.
For with patience, love, and understanding,
Trios can find a harmony commanding.

So, tread with care, dear friends, and see,
Trios can work, if we set them free.
With open hearts, and minds aligned,
A trio's journey can be refined.

authors note:
DETICATED TO rositaswidow and literallylucille

they had matching insta notes without me. how ghetto is that #cara4life

taras wife

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