Chen exo request Pain into love

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Requested by Xiumin_Yasmin
My days and nights are the same school , homework , k-dramas, cry and then bed but one person makes everyday special my best friend Chen the one with the smile.
We've been friends since 5 years old when he stuck chewing gum in my hair other boys said that boys do that because they like girls. I always hated him for the fact he turned me into a boy. Life was getting worse at home for me and my twin brother Lay mum and dads constant arguing from day until night. Lay would get away from it by sleeping at Tao's house but for me there was no escape for me. Day and night was a lot of I hate you and I wish you where dead. But one thing would make me smile was chen's stupid jokes and his comments on how the world was made.
"Yasmin hurry or you will be late for school!" Mum yells since when did she care?
I rushed down stairs to only hear complete silence for once dad sitting on the chair reading the newspaper while mum washed up the dishes. I looked at the situation in confusion they are actually quiet.
"I'm going school" I waved off.
"Tell Lay to come home tonight we need to talk as a family" mum weakly smiled which gave me an uneasy feeling.
"Since when were we a family" dad mumbled.
And, it starts again the shouting and the comments all because dad wanted to say his dumbass comment.
"Will do bye" I rushed out the door.
I walked out to find Chen leaning on my gate listening to music I creeped up behind him but before scaring him he turned around to face me.
"Thinking about scaring me you pabo I'm the only one who's good at it" he patted my head.
"How did you know?" I pouted.
"I could hear your elephant feet from inside the house" he laughed.
"Have you seen Lay?" I asked him.
"His your twin brother I swear twins come with a gps system when they are born so they can't lose each other" I knocked on my head.
"Chen I'm being serious here my parents want a family meeting and I don't know where Lay is I haven't seen or heard from him since Friday" I frowned at him.
"Have you called and texted him?" He counted on his fingers.
"No because he hates it when I do that it makes him think mum or dad are telling me to call him" I took a deep breathe before realising Lay and Tao are in front of us.
"Lay!!" I called.
He stopped and gave me a smile for once it wasn't a blank expression. I leaped into his arms and greeted Tao.
"Lay mum and dad wants you back home she said it's a family meeting" I stuttered he hates mum and dad for arguing specially in front of me.
"Yasmin I'm not coming to this family meeting I know what this is about" he looked down.
"What?" I asked him.
"Mum and dad are going to get a divorce that's what this meeting is about I'm not going there if I already know" he threw his arms up in the air.
"Lay please come for me it might not be that" I begged.
"Fine but if it is and it hurts you stay with Chen" he ordered me.
"Why Chen?" I tilted my head to the side.
"I'm not letting you stay there if they are just going to tell each other to die" he frowned.
"Okay but come please I don't want to be alone when they tell me the news" I hugged him.
"I will never leave my twin sister" he kissed my forehead.
"I'll see you at school" I smiled at Lay.
I continued to walk with Chen as he laughed at his phone another vine I bet.
"Hey Yasmin what would happen if we were boyfriend and girlfriend?" He looked up at me which made me froze.
"Well I don't know what will happen" I blushed.
"Me either" he shrugged.

At school I kept thinking about Chen's question a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship will it work? His too much of a guy who takes life like a joke where I take life to seriously. I watched Chen talk to Lay and the rest of the gang he laughed and joked which made me think what would it be like to take life like a joke.
"Hey sis come over" Lay called over to me.
I walked to find Chen smirking along with the rest of his friends which made me feel scared.
"Guys why are you looking at me like that?" I stuttered.
"Sehun's having a party and we dare you to get drunk" Suho laughs.
"Drunk I'm with family tonight and Lay you knew that" I glared at him.
"It's something to get rid of the pain you might feel after mum and dad say their news" Lay raised an eyebrow.
"It's not going to be that bad to the point I will get drunk" I put my hands on my hips.
"When you go to parties you never get drunk" Chen pointed out.
"Sorry guys I'm not coming" I put my hands in the air.
"Yes you are" Lay nudges me.
"I will see" I walked away.

I waited for Lay after school finally after 3 days of not seeing him at home his finally coming home. I smiled as his figure appeared in front of me along with Chen.
"Don't get too happy" Lay warned me.
"Lay stop being like this" I punched his arm.
"It's the truth sis" he blankly said.
"Whatever but I'm still not going to this party" I laughed.
"Come on best friend i need my wing woman" Chen slung an arm around me.
"In other words you need me to say how good you are as boyfriend material" I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Well yes this is why you're my best friend" Chen smiled.
"We are home right prepare for the bad news" Lay stretches his arms.
"See you at the party" Chen waves off.

It was already a bad scene already mum and dad sitting in the kitchen as their eyes kept following us.
"Lay how are you?" Mum smiled.
"Just get to the point" Lay snapped.
"Me and your dad have been talking" mum began.
"Talking or yelling?" Lay rolled his eyes.
"Talking and its best for us if we get a divorce and have our separate lives because we can't function together" she finished by looking down.
"I told you Yasmin what did I say!!" Lay stood up I anger.
"Lay son calm down" dad took his shoulder as Lay shook it off.
"Don't tell me to calm down I'm more angry at the fact you can do this in front of Yasmin" Lay pulled me from the chair.
"Yasmin you understand right" mum came close to me.
"I understand the fact you wish each of you to die this divorce is just to split me a Lay up or me our feeling towards you will change now" I cried as I went to my room.

I cried into my hands as I remembered about the party Lay was right I need to have fun after mum and dads meeting.
I packed my over night bag with extra clothes a black dress for tonight.
I went downstairs to find Lay red faced with anger as mum was shocked to find I was packing a bag to go somewhere else.
"If you're asking yes I'm leaving for the night to stay at Chen's because I want space" I grabbed Lay and walked to Chen's house.
"Will you be okay?" Lay held my shoulders.
"I have Chen I'll be fine see you at the party" I smiled at him.

I walked up to Chen's door I gave a quick knock and waited for what seemed like ages for me to greeted by a smiling Chen.
"Hey can I stay for the night?" I gave a weak smile.
"Lay told me it might be something to do with your parents" he hugged me.
"It's gone so wrong so quick" I mumbled into his shirt.
"Let's get inside" he grabbed my hand and led me to his room.
I put my things on the bed and looked at Chen to try and changed the sad mood.
"So let's get ready for this party" I clapped my hands.
"Do you think you should go?" He asked out of concern.
"You were the one who was bugging me to go" I frowned.
"I don't want to see you drunk I'm not standing at the party watching you doing something you will regret" he said.
"Since when did you care you're not my boyfriend" I cried.
"No but I want to be because I love you Yasmin I love you" he held my hands.
"Chen one of your stupid jokes right now really" I rolled my eyes.
"Do you see me laughing this is no joke I've loved you since the day I stuck that piece of gum in your hair" he stole my hair.
"You actually love me?" I smiled.
"I would never lie to the one thing I want to protect and love" his warm lips met mine making me forget the pain I felt.
"My everything" he leaned his forehead onto mine.

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