These day's L.Joe Teen Top request

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Decicated toJrLJoe

I woke up with the sound of something hitting the window it couldn't been L.Joe because his sleeping right next too me I lifted his arm that was around my waist too take a look. The rain the news reports say there was a rain storm heading our way for the next three days. I looked at L.Joe's figure he was still sound asleep who can blame him when his on tour for over 4 months. Considering I was awake I decided too make breakfast for myself I quietly went down the stairs making sure my loud feet as he says wakes him. I looked at our fridge which was half empty only filled with vegetables and kimchi. So much for a big breakfast for myslef.
"Hey if you are up can you make me breakfast love you!!" Byunghun yelled.
His awake great hoew am I going to tell him we have nothing for breakfast he gets grumpy or acts like a child. One of us has to go to the store too get the food lets see who wins betweens us as he rushed down the stairs expecting breakfast his face suddenly turned into a pout.
"Where's breakfast?" he whined.
"We have no food too make breakfast so one of us has to go to the store to get the food and it's raining outside" I crossed my arms.
"Didn't you go food shopping when I was away?" he frowned like a child.
"No I forgot most of the time I was at my parents eatinh or at a freinds I will only go to the store from time to time" I explained.
"How are we going to settle this because my excuse is the fact I haven't been here for the past four months  so you were in charge of the house" he raised an eyebrow.
"Who buys most of the things in this house tell me that?" I countered.
"Umm.. Well... Umm I'll go" he hug his head low.
Even though I won I couldn't help but feel guilty about it because he has been away for such a long time this all he needs when he gets home. I rolled my eyes rushing up stairs to get ready he looked at me confused.
"I feel guilty for letting you go alone so I'm coming with you" I smiled at him.
"Are you sure because you are going to get sick?" he asked out of concern.
"Yeah besides we need to spend time with each other come" I linked arms with him.

Normal people would take the car but considering we are not normal we walked to the store Byunghun convinced me that it would save the earth which I couldn't agrue against the store was only 10 minutes away by walking so by drive it would be 5 minutes. Half way during walking he came across a puddle and in the mind of Byunghun he kicked it aiming at my jeans.
"What the hell oppa" I hit his arm.
"Ow have fun" he spun me around in the air.
"Fine" I smirked.
I began takingoff my jacket  I gave it too Byunghun and ran in the rain he quickly caught up too me he grabbed my hand. His eyes seemed to pirce through me but sofened as I began too laugh which made me laugh at my actions.
"You told me too have fun" I spin around.
"Well yeah but you're crazy for doing this" he covered me again.
"Lets cancel on the store and go home and order a take out?" I laced our hands together.
"Sounds good" he kissed my cheek.

As we got dressed into fresh warm clothes he snaked his arm around my waist sending light kisses down my neck.
"Whats the matter?" I giggled.
"I cherish this day with you" he mumbled into my neck.
"Why?" I turned around in his arms.
"Just looking at you smiling and laughing makes me feel like the world happiest guy I live too see you that way everytime I come off tour i think off you smiling in front off me" he played with my hair.
"I love you so much" I leaned my head on his chest.
"I love you more" he kissed my forehead.

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