Jay Park requested I love your daughter

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"Jenny are sure about this?" Jay's hand became sweaty as we reached the front foor to my parents house.You see me and Jay we ain't the normal couple apperance wise I mean I was the cute respectful looking girl whilr Jay looked like a heartbreaker with tatoos.

"You'll be fine what can go wrong" I nervously laughed a million things could go wrong with my parents the fact that dad wanted me to be with Junho instead of him.

"Your dad hates my guts already what can I do to make him change his mind?" he asked.

"Be your self okay I fell in love with you for being yoursrlf didn't I" holding hid cheeks trying my best to calm him down.

"Your dad was expecting Junho not me" he signed making my heart fill with pain.

"But I didn't fall in love with Junho but you so cheer up man up and stand tall" I saluted him making him laugh and pintch my cheeks.

I rang on the door bell before hearing my mum and dad mumbling something before answering the door. As soon as the door opened Jay bowed while I hugged my parents my dad glared at Jay even if most of his tatoos were covered up the one on his neck and nuckels showed.

"Good evening Mr and Mrs Kim" he greeted while my parents didn't even take any notice of his respect towards them causing the anger in me to rise a little.

As we took our seats for dinner I gave an encouraging smilento Jay as he gave a weak one back to me.

"(y/n) so how's my daughter doing?"mum jumped causing the while table to jump along.

"Well me and Jay have started our own fashion lable it's coming out this summer" I squealed.

"I'm guessing you did all the work" dad glared at Jay causing him not to make eye contact with him.

"No I did the girls line while Jay did the boys line" I explained hoping my dad will see him differently.

"I find it hard yo beleive" he muttered.

"Dad stop it will you" my voice raised a little.

"Sorry but how can you be in love with him" he pointed wt Jay who then stood up I grabbed him a pulled him into the kitchen.

"I cant do this his right you know" he paced up and down with his hand though his hair.

"His not he never is right about things look say something that eill change their minds I know you can" leaning my forehead aginst his.

Jay took his seat and cleared his throat to speak make my mum and dads head to look up and make the first eye contact of the night.

"I love your daughter i'm not the Korean perfect boy with the greatest job in history the fact that your daughter fell in love with he was a shock. But she means the world to me I will protect her from anything it makes it hard that im and idol but the time I will get I will spend with her the career I have I will share with her.Tonight will make me or break me if I do not get on terms with the both of you are her parents I dont want her to choose between us it will hurt us and we will become enemy's" mum and dad stared at him before dad broke the silence.

"I don't want her to choose either she loves us as well as you we just have to except it as parents" he huffed out a breathe.

"Jenny is our little girl and in our eyed will always be that way but now I think she needs to make her own path" mum smiled.

"Will you promise to look after Jenny?" dad patted him on the shoulder.

"I will"he shook my dads hanf confirming the bond between boyfreind and dad.

"I told you everything will go smooth" pintching his cheeks.

"Next step dad and boyfreind fishing trip" he chuckled.

"Don't think so far ahead he only shook your hand baby steps okay" tapping his chest.

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