s.coups seventeen request

535 14 2

Dedicated too Junee_Dong

I hate this school why it was beacuse it was a private school also known as a rich school too some people the reason I hate it was because everyone there acts like that God made them out of solid gold. Dad told me and my brother Joshua that the school is full of peopke like us making it seem we are a different race when really we aren't I'm not the typical spoilt rich kid unlike my brother but the opposite I pay for my own thing I don't even ask for much. But the main reason I hate the school was because of s.coups my personal bully and not to mention my brothers freind. His real name is Choi Sung Cheol but people like too call him by his nickname I had no intention of making friends with him.

I walkked up too my locker as I was listening to super juniors devil I didn't notice Sung Cheol in front of my locker smirking at him.
"Freak!" he yelled in my ear.
"It's only you" I rolled my eyes.
"What you listening to" he grabbed my ipod.
"Give it back" I jumped up too get it from him but unlike normal people I didnt have the height.
"I would but I want it " he laughed.
"Choi Sung Cheol give it back I paid for it" I glared at him.
"Are you sure didn't you throw a hissy fit for it" he pouted.
"Take it I don't give shit!" I stormed off.

I enetered language class making my way too the seat at the back where can you believe it Sung Cheol sits along with his dumbass friends seventeen I rolled my eyes as I knew it will only be mocking and stupid jokes about me. I slammed my bag on the ground and rested my head on the table it was another class that wasted my time I hated languages I already know hello in three different ones.
"June hey June" Sung Cheol tapped my shoulder.
"What!" I snapped.
"Calm down do you have a mirror?" he smiled something is not right.
"No" I shrugged.
"Shame you can't see how ugly you really are" he bursted out laughing.
I looked at him in shock ugly his not the one to talk about beauty too me his got a face his mother loves and maybe a few blind girls but still who the hell does he think his commenting on apperence.
"Why do you pick on me?" I asked him.
"You look pethetic you are pethetic so it makes you an easy target" he shrugged.
"Easy target for you you're the pethetic one making your self look big by picking on people!" I yelled
"It's the truth I know we don't it like but what can I say I can only tell the truth" he smiled.
"I like how you smile and laugh when people are in pain" I shook my head.
"One thing is June I hate peoples pain but your pain amuses me" he smirked.
I was pushed to breaking point I threw my chair across the room out of anger and stromed off out of class leaving the class whispering and my teacher in shock at my behaviour.
My pain is just a joke for him will he be smiling and laughing when he finds my body covered in blood in front of the school or would he feel regret? I didn't care about the thoughts of killing myself I was pushed to this point not only by him but my lifestyle as a person of high society you shouldn't do this or that. My parents don't care they only care about the money they make so they can show off to other people or to out do someone. As for Joshua his just a brat he gets what he wants without knowing the hard work people do to get the things they want.

I reached the roof top ad the wind blew my hair the sky was a clear blue no clouds in sight thats going to be my new home after what I'm going to do I stepped on to the ledge as the wind blew stonger. The crowd at the bottom screamed in fear at the sight of me getting ready to jump off and leave this world forever.
"June!" someone yelled behind me.
"Goodbye" I whispered.
I was about to jump when someone pulled me onto thr floor holing me into a warm embrace.
"Let go off me why did you save me!!" I hit the persons chest.
"Why was you going to jump?!" he asked.
"I hate this world I hate the people in this world!" I screamed I opened my eyes to come face to face with one of the people.
"Stop talking like that" he held my face.
"Why do you care my pain is your pleasure right" I cried.
"No it's not I only did thid because I like the faces you make the scolding from you but it's gone to far I won't do it anymore I swear" as tears brimmed in his eyes.
"I had way to may promises and they all have been broken" I rested my head on his chest.
"I won't break this promise" he kissed my forehead.
I smiled at we stayed on the rooftop him holding me by thrr waist and my head was on his chest.
"By the way your Ipod" he held up my Blue ipod.
"I told you too keep it consider it as a first gift" I snuggled in too his neck.

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