Seungri Big Bang request Stop it!!

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Dedicated to @ElynlovesO2L

Elyn watched her boyfriend Seungri on TV doing an interview,lately this as all she was doing to hear Seungri's voice every time she called him it would go to voice mail. Every text sent to him he never replied to, even Skype calls he would reject. Which made her think that Seungri was seeing some else other than her, which was possible because he has been touring for his MADE series tour so he might have met somone. Elyn pushed her doubts about Seungri to one side, her eyes fixed on one person Seungri.

The interview was going well they all laughed and joked Elyn did as well, hoping that when he returns home he would be like that. But the interview suddenly became interesting when asked about relationships in Big Bang. Elyn froze yg released a statement saying Seungri is in a relationship a non idol relationship, but she was waiting on what Seungri was going to say would he be proud in sharing it or dust it off like the wind.

"Seungri how long have you been in a relationship?" The Mc smiled at him.

"I wasted 3 years off my life" Seungri began to laugh.

The audience didn't know whether to laugh at his so called joke, even the Big Bang members were left in an uneasy mode. The mc didn't have time to react instead he moved on swiftly to the next question hoping Seungri would make a better judgment.

Elyn wanted to pinch herseld right there,this was a nightmare come true see just watched her sweet boyfriend calling her a waste. He eyes filled with tears she was at breaking point, there was one thing g left to do and that was to leave. Without second thought she ran into the shared room throwing a large onto the bed.

"How could he, how dare he!"she yelled.

She then began writing a letter to her so called ex boyfriend making everything clear to him,she vented all her anger out on the letter. She took out her phone tweeting a personal message on her profile, then calling Minzy her step-sister.

"Elyn I saw what happened, I know why you called pick you up in 10" Minzy explained.

"Thank you" Elyn whispers.

Elyn proceeded to drag her luggage down the stairs every bag echoed in the now empty house , Seungri would be home in a matter of days , she began laughing to her self thinking about how lonely Seungri would feel. On one there to pick up his shit anymore it used to be Elyn's job now it will be his job. Her sudden laughs turned into cries as she fell on her knees, what did she ever do to him ?

The beeping coming from Minzy's car she quickly got up wiping the last tears she would ever cry over the pathetic excuse of a man. She then ran to the door not taking a second look at the house, every minute, every second she spent with him she instantly regretted. Once she got into the car she could tell Minzy wanted to kill him, it was going to be hard considering they both come from the same company.

"Once that little shit comes back I'll have his neck" Minzy hissed.

Elyn didn't say anything she knew at this point she felt like that, everything that her and Seungri built had come crashing down in one night.

2 days later.

Seungri returned home as much as he wanted to continue touring, his manager all told them to rest before more concerts would pop up. As soon as he got into the house he called out for Elyn he was shocked when he recieved nothing but silence. He ran upstairs to find on one he scratched his head at the fact she would be around. He then found the note she wrote two nights ago his eyes widened as he read it.

I'm a waste of space to you right !I'm nothing to you right! Guess what Seungri I don't give a shit about what you think! You can take the piss out off our relationship the two years we spent mean nothing to me now! I hate you I wish you could see what you have become!

He dropped the note after reading it,he knew what he said was nothing more than arrogance he began pacing up and down the house. Everything he done broke her, if he could he would change every detail he said and all the actions. He know where she would be, but it was how he was going to face her as well as Minzy. Without hesitation stopping him he ran to his car speeding towars Minzy's house along the way he knew what he was going to say to her this time without his sick jokes.

Meanwhile Elyn and Minzy watched k-dramas but to Elyn's expectations it was all do to with love, it  was the last subject she wanted right now after Seungri. Minzy's door bell rang out as the girls looked at eachther in confusion.

"Its a Sunday who can be visiting" Minzy rolled her eyes as Elyn laughed.

Minzy went to answer it but shortly after shouting was dominated the peaceful Sunday afternoon. Elyn when to check what was going on which she should have never done because there stood a red eyed Seungri.

"Elyn can I talk to you please" Seungri begged her.

"She doesn't want to see you now leave!" Minzy yelled at him.

"Minzy I can handle this" Elyn took Seungri by his hands.

She led him into her bedroom as the both of them stood there is silence just looking at each other , none of them spoke which annoyed her.

"If you came all this way to just look at my face please just leave you're wasting your time" she explained.

"I came to say sorry, I should have never said that I done it for a laugh" he looked down at her .

"That's no excuse Seungri I had no calls,text or even a Skype call from you! What has gotten into you?" Her tears viable on her face.

"I have no words to describe my actions to you, all I could do I beg like a dog for you back" he held her hands.

"You have clue how much you put me through, I was left on my own for the best part of 4 months without you next to me and when I want to hear your voice you come out with that remark, Seungri I van forgive you but it take a long time to forgive" she hugged him.

"I don't expect you to forgive me, all I want is you next to me"he smiled

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