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There was no doubt that the team knew of Coach Boone becoming assistant head coach, because many of them were acting up, and making disgusting comments. Gerry, Alan and Ray must of told them.

The only member of the team that had the opinion that the schools integrating was a good idea- for our country's future- was me.

I was determined to change the rest of the team's opinions.



"Somebody get that!" Coach Bill Yoast yelled from the living room.

I stood up from playing my keyboard and reached for the phone.

I twirled the cord with my finger, "Hello?"

On the other side of the line was-


I was so shocked that I almost dropped the phone. My mother calling? She definitely wanted something. I hadn't heard from her in years.

"Yeah, got a problem?" She challenged, tone sharp.

The audacity of that woman.

"No mom, I'm just surprised to hear from you after all these years."

" Yes, well I was thinking that I should come to town for a while, I've got some news."

"Well mom I don't think that's a good idea." I said nervously. I hadn't seen my mother in forever. If I could even call her that. Mother. Just the thought of it formed a bitter taste on my tongue.

"Nonsense." She waved off, "Tell your uncle Bill I'll be there next week, coming for dinner and maybe staying the night."

"Yes mom. Heard you loud and clear."

I went to hang up the phone, letting out a breath of relief, only to be interrupted again by my mother's voice.

"Oh, and Julia?"


"I can't wait to meet your boyfriend, make sure he's at dinner too."

"Boyfriend?" I asked, shocked.

"Yes, a girl at your age oughta have a boyfriend by now. You do have one, don't you?" She inquired impatiently.

I could feel her judging stare burning into the back of my head through the phone. I wasn't sure why, but I felt the need to live up to her expectations, even after all of these years. An oh so familiar fear of disappointing her settled itself in my gut, and before I could process my own words-

"Yes, I have a boyfriend. I can't wait for you to meet him." My eyes widened in surprise, what had I done?


The line went dead.

The nerve that woman had, abandoning me for 5 years. She had never called. Not once. This had better  be some important news.

And now she believed I had a boyfriend. How stupid could I have been? Why did I say that?

"Was that who I think it was?" My uncle asked, leaning on the doorframe.

I half sat, half fell back onto my chair. I put my hands in my head. I hated that woman. And she was coming to town.

And I needed a boyfriend.


"My mother's coming to town next week. For dinner. Maybe staying the night. She's got big news." I said, not looking up. "I don't want to see her, Bill."

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now