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The sound of Coach's horn was rang down the hall. It was so loud that I could feel my room's walls vibrate. I groaned, smothering my face with my pillow to try and drown out the noise. To no avail. The sound of the horn still rang in my ears, and it was deafening. Deciding to give up on staying in bed, I rolled over, untangling my self from Alan's sleeping body. I took a moment to admire him, how perfect his lips were, how calm and relaxed he looked as he slept. How beautiful he was.

"You can stop staring now," He teased, smirking.

I jumped, not expecting him to be awake. A blush spread across my cheeks as I struggled to find a witty comeback.

Alan reached his hands out, beckoning me. "Come here," He whispered, eyes still shut.

I crawled over to him, almost falling through the gap between the beds. Since Sheryl wasn't rooming with me, Alan and I had pushed the spare bed against mine to create a makeshift double bed. I stopped, hovering over him. I'd positioned myself so that I was on all fours, directly above him.

I smiled, watching him with adoration. "You're perfect, you know?"

Alan pretended to flip his hair sassily, smiling as I laughed. "I know, but I'm not as perfect as you, sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes, and lent down to capture his lips in a tender kiss. I heard the door squeak on its hinges, and pulled back, blushing. Petey, Big Blue, Louie, Julius and Gerry were stood at the door, watching Alan and I. I squealed, and threw my pillow at them.

"What the hell?! We could've been naked!"

I watched closely, and saw Gerry place my video camera back on the dresser. He'd been filming us.

"Gerry! You filmed us? There's something wrong with you boys!" I yelled, getting up and slamming the door in their faces. I rolled my eyes at the snickers I heard from the other side.

I picked up my camera and watched back the video. The boys were all laughing quietly and arguing over who got to hold the camera. Then I heard Rev, telling the boys off.

"What are y'all doing?"


"Y'all are weird. I'm not being involved in this. Stop invading their privacy."

I smiled, Rev was always respectful.


Everyone was filled with a new inspiration, and the atmosphere was light and cheerful. We walked onto the field, about to play a practice game.

"What wins games?" Gerry yelled to the defence team.

"Defence!" We all yelled back.

"What wins games?" He repeated, hyping up the rest of the boys.

"Defence!" We yelled, jumping and jogging on the spot.

"What wins games?"


The boys all jumped at each other, bashing their helmeted heads against each other and shouting indistinguishably.

I noticed a 1966 Chevrolet Corvette pull up on the other side of the field. I watched as a tall, blonde guy, with long hair down to his ass, step out of the car. He was followed by an older man, probably his father, and they approached the coaches. It seemed that I wasn't the only one to notice them.

"Hey fellas, look at that fruitcake!" Gerry yelled from behind me, causing most of the guys to laugh.

"Gerry just keep your mouth shut, and get back on that field." Uncle Bill shouted back.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now