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A few hours before the regional game, Coach had shown us the video tape of Coach Taber talking to a pair of reporters. He had disrespected the coloured members of the team, and had called Coach Boone a monkey. I was infuriated, but I had a plan to get him back for what he had said.

After getting changed, I cheered with the other cheerleaders, hyping up the people in the stands. The base threw me into the air, and I performed a basket toss, my signature move. It was easy for me to do, and allowed me to keep focus on the game.

The game had just started, and things weren't looking too good for the Titans. A foul was given out, which had been happening ever since kickoff. The referee was being biased, my guess was that Lyle Meadows had something to do with the game being rigged.

I separated myself from the other cheerleaders, running over to Coach Boone. "This game's rigged. The Ref's been bribed, what are we gonna do?" I asked, a little out of breath.

"Come with me." He ordered, walking over to the referee without waiting for me to catch up. "Hey, Mr Official. Mr official, can I talk to you for a second?"

The Coach looked down his nose at him, shouting over the noise of the crowd in response, "Back off, Coach, if you want to stay in this game."

"Is that a threat?" I asked, stepping in front of Boone, raising my eyebrows in disbelief.

"Go back to dancing with your little pompoms, girl. This is a men's game." He replied, turning back to the game.

"What did you just say to me-" I yelled, face flushed in anger.

I was interrupted by a hand covering my mouth, and looked up to see Alan. He pulled me away, laughing nervously. Once we'd gotten a safe distance away, he let go, smiling apologetically.

"Sorry 'bout that. I didn't want you to get yourself in trouble. Or cost us the game."

"Whatever. The game's already lost. It's rigged." I answered, marching off, and returning back to the cheerleaders to resume our routine.

I watched as one of the referees approached the other, shouting in his ear, "I've got holding on 78 white."

"Are you trying to cheat my boys out of the game?!" Coach yelled at them in disbelief, walking up to the two men.

"15 more yards." The referee yelled, ignoring Boone.

"Let 'em play, Ref. Let 'em play." Coach yelled angrily, but was once again ignored. "Let 'em play! Let the boys play! Cheater!"

"Coach, come on." Hinds said, guiding him back to the bench.

The Ref raised his flag, calling another foul.

I threw my pompoms onto the ground, yelling angrily. "That's such bullshit! Come on!"

"Oh come on! What was that?! What are you, blind?! That wasn't a hold. Oh come on, that was such a bad call." I heard Sheryl yell out in anger from the stands.

"Titus!" Uncle Bill yelled, suddenly, marching over to the Ref.

"You tell him, Coach!" I yelled, picking up a rock and throwing it at the referee, missing by far.

I ran over to Coach, wanting to hear the conversation. I crossed my arms over my chest, staring down the referee.

"I know all about it, Titus." He said, wrapping an arm around me.

"What are you talking about, Bill?" He spat, giving the both of us a dirty look.

Coach continued talking, keeping his cool, "You call this game fair, or I'll go to the papers. I don't care if I go down with you, but before God, I swear I'll see every last one of you thrown in jail."

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now