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The sound of knocking on my bedroom door disturbed my sleep. My eyes slowly fluttered open, but shut abruptly, blinded by the morning sunshine. There were five minutes until my alarm was set to go off, so I settled back into my comfy position, ignoring the person at my door. It was probably Sheryl wanting to play ball before school.

The person knocking at my door was growing impatient, and was soon hammering against the wood. So much so, that I could feel the wall next to me shaking. My bedroom door was flung open, and in walked Gerry, covering his eyes with his hand. I shot up, scrambling around my bedroom floor, hiding my dirty laundry. I threw on one of Alan's hoodies that was laying around, trying to ignore the pang in my chest at the smell of him. It was the morning after our argument, and I still had to face him for the rest of the school week, before the weekend would come, granting me the space I needed.

"Are you decent?" Gerry asked, his back facing me.

"Yes. You can turn around now, Gerry." I said, sitting back down on my bed.

Gerry turned around, sitting down next to me. "I didn't want to walk in on you like that, but you left me no choice." He reasoned.

I laughed, "It's fine. Why are you here so early?"

"Uh, I wanted to talk to you about kicking Ray off of the team." He said, shrugging.

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Well, I'm all for it. Now tell me the real reason you're here."

"Alan told me about your argument." Gerry admitted, "I wanted to see if you were okay."

"You couldn't have waited till we got to school?" I asked, leaning against my pillows.

"I probably could've, but I didn't." Gerry sighed, "That's besides the point. You two are perfect for each other, I think you should make up."

"It's easier said than done, Gerry." I grumbled, "He's the one that said he didn't know if we wanted to be my boyfriend."

Gerry's expression faltered, "He didn't tell me that. Why would he say that to you?"

"What did he tell you?" I wondered, hoping that he hadn't twisted the story.

"That his dad hit him, you tried to console him and he got upset and said some things he shouldn't have and he regrets it, and he doesn't know if things will go back to normal." He recalled, rolling his eyes. "He told me everything without telling me anything."

"Looks like it." I huffed.

"What are you gonna do?" Gerry asked me, sending me a worried look.

"Relax. You're worrying about it more that I am." I told him, getting up and pulling him off of my bed. I pushed him out the door, "Wait for me to get dressed and we'll walk to school together. Then I'll decide what I'm going to do."

Once Gerry had left the room, I deflated, curling up in a ball in my bed. If Alan spoke to him, did that mean he regretted saying those things? Or did it mean he truly didn't want to be with me? I dragged my hands down my face, groaning. If I wanted answers, I'd have to face him.

Climbing from my bed, I rummaged through my wardrobe, looking for something to wear. I didn't feel like wearing a dress, so I threw on a pair of flared jeans, a purple knitted tank top, and Alan's Titans hoodie.

I ran downstairs, hopping along to Gerry as I struggled to put on my converse. I gave up trying to multitask, and dropped to the floor, tying my shoelaces.

"Gerry, I'm ready!" I huffed, getting back up.

I turned to look at myself in the mirror, and I was a mess. My hair stood up in tufts of frizz, my natural curls nowhere to be seen. I quickly ran to the bathroom, and put some product in my hair and some light makeup on my face, sighing happily once I looked somewhat presentable.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now