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"The school board has decided that n***o Herman Boone is gonna be head coach at T.C."

I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest, hugging uncle Bill. Sheryl was hugging his other side, she screamed at the school board member and began to run off. She stopped, and decided to kick him in the back of the leg.

"Sheryl!" I decided to try to console her instead of listen to Coach's conversation, and ran off after her.

She turned to look at me, kicking the long grass. I put a hand on her shoulder and she threw herself at me, crying.

"It's gonna be okay kiddo. They had to do it to someone, unfortunately that someone had to be Coach." I said rubbing her back.

"This was gonna be his hall of fame year!" She cried into my shoulder.

"I know, but who knows, maybe he'll get his job back next year,"

"Maybe," She sniffled, letting go of the hug and yanking out clumps of grass from the ground.

Coach sneaked up to us, roaring, making Sheryl and I jump. He was good at trying to cheer us up. He could see that Sheryl was still upset, but he comforted her just like I did.

"Hey," I said, having an idea. "Why don't I make us sloppy joes for dinner?"

Sloppy joes were Sheryl's favourite. Heaven knows why all kids loved sloppy joes so much, they made me feel nauseous. Sheryl agreed, so I decided to walk to the store and buy the ingredients to make them.


I thanked the guy at the checkout, and left the store carrying two heavy bags of shopping. I struggled to carry them both, but I was sure I could manage the short walk home. Someone tapped me on the shoulder, catching my attention.

"Need help carrying those?" Alan asked, pointing at the bags.

It had been a few days since I'd seen him last. When he slept over after pretending to be my boyfriend in front of my mother. I was afraid of seeing him, worried that it'd be awkward after our kiss. Maybe it didn't mean anything to him.

It meant something to me.

"Oh, yes please, my arms are beginning to ache and I'm nowhere close to home." I said, passing him the heavier bag.

"Hey, did you hear about that Coach Boone taking over as head coach?" Alan asked, walking next to me.

"Well of course I heard, I live with Coach Yoast, silly." I said, teasing him.

Alan blushed slightly, causing more butterflies to flutter in my stomach.

"Well, seeing as your walking out of your way to help me carry these home, do you want to stay for dinner? I'm making sloppy joes." I said, hoping he'd agree.

He wrinkled his nose, but agreed to stay for dinner nevertheless. We walked for a while in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence (thank God) but a comfortable silence, one that usually fell between us.

"Hey, Alan?" I asked.

He hummed in response.

"You're not gonna quit the team are you? Not just because of Coach Boone being a man of colour?"

Alan thought for a moment, "I don't know, Julie. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being black, but I've been told my whole life that coloured people are dangerous, I just don't know what to think."

"I understand. But Coach Yoast loves you boys like his own, hell he loves y'all so much he'd probably help you practice outside of school if you ever asked him."

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