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Over the weekend, Alan and I had spent all of our time together, which was no different than usual. On Sunday, he'd decided that it was the right time to face his father, so I had walked him back home, before meeting up with Rev to help tutor Louie. But hadn't heard from him since.

On Monday morning, I was sat on the school bus alone, starting gloomily out of the window. I'd waited for Alan at our usual spot, but he never showed. I almost missed the bus, and had to run after it, humiliating myself.

Arriving at school, I stood from my seat, banging my head on the ceiling. I rubbed my head, grumbling as I filed off of the bus, forgetting to thank the driver. Things weren't looking too great for me today.

Marching through the crowds towards the entrance of the school, I payed no attention to the few protesters who refused to give up and realise that our school would stay integrated, period. I pushed passed students in the busy hall, trying to get to my locker before registration.

"Hey, baby!" I heard Big Blue call to me, smiling, until he saw the look on my face. His smile dropped, "What's got you lookin' so upset?"

"Have you heard from Alan this weekend?" I asked him, dodging his question and putting some textbooks in my locker.

"I thought he spent the whole weekend with you," Blue replied, leaning against the locker next to mine.

"He did, but he went home Sunday morning and I haven't heard from him since. He didn't show this morning either." I huffed, shutting my locker and leaning my head against it. "You don't think Fred killed him, do you?"

Blue laughed, but stopped once he realised my question was genuine. "Is his father really that bad?"

I nodded sadly, looking to Blue. "He's awful. The devil himself."

"His dad wouldn't have killed him. It's only been a day, you don't need to worry, baby. He's probably just sick." He shrugged, nocking his shoulder against mine. "We've got physics first period. That's definitely gonna cheer you up."

I smiled. Our little group made physics a living hell for the teacher, we caused nothing but mayhem. Part of me felt bad, but I still payed attention even if we were all messing around, I didn't want to flunk.

I walked to lesson with Blue. He sang my favourite song, trying to cheer me up a little. It worked, for the most part, and by the time we'd reached the class, we were full blown singing.

"Oh no darling, no wind no rain, or winter's cold can't stop me baby," I sang, shimmying.

"No, no baby, 'cause you are my goal, if you're ever in trouble I'll be there on the double, just send for me." Blue finished, stopping abruptly as we entered the class, our teacher glaring daggers in our direction.

Inside the class, Blue and I sat in the back row with the rest of our friends, who had gotten there before us.

"What took you so long?" Rev asked me as I sat down on the stall beside him.

"Boy trouble," I replied, not taking my eyes off of the board.

"Uh oh," Petey chimed in from my other side, slinging an arm around me. "What's Alan gone and done now?"

Before I could reply, the classroom door burst open, and in came a rough looking Alan. I watched him closely, he wore jeans with a grey hoodie, hood up. He never wore his hood up inside, so I could tell something was wrong. Alan walked slowly to the back of the class, head down. Instead of sitting next to me, like usual, he slumped into the seat beside Ronnie, on the opposite side of the desk, and laid down against the table.

"Alan Bosley," The teacher said, sternly. "Take that hood off, and sit up. You're lucky I don't give you a late detention."

As Alan reluctantly pulled off his hood, I gasped. He had a giant, purple bruise around his right eye. Someone had given him a black eye, and my guess was that it had been Fred. The boys noticed it too, but didn't ask him any questions. I was furious. Not necessarily at Alan, but at whoever had done this to him.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now