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As we poured out of the buses and made our way through the college, everyone stared in awe. The building looked like a giant castle, with brown stone walls and high roofs. There was a giant courtyard, and as we walked through it I pushed in front, wanting to walk next to Alan.

"This place is huge. Is this what college is gonna be like?" I asked, staring at the greenery.

"I guess so, it's real pretty ain't it?" Alan responded.

"You bet it is,"

As we entered through the giant front doors of the college, Coach Boone ordered us to stand with our roommates. Sheryl and I being the only females, evidently had to share a room. It was quite big, a little larger than mine at home. There were bunk beds, a cabinet and a window seat.

"I call top bunk!" Sheryl yelled, excitedly.

"Okay, but only 'cause I'm nice,"

I threw my bags onto the bottom bunk, and sunk onto the window seat. The view was beautiful. Tall trees huddled close together in the distance, like a herd of sheep. I was distracted, staring at the scenery until I heard Alan's voice from down the hall.


I sprung from my seat and ran for the door, ordering Sheryl to stay in our room. I sprinted down the hall, and ran to the source of the commotion. Gerry's room. Of course he was the one involved in a fight.

I stood at the doorway, watching as the football team tore at each other. Black vs white. I saw that a kid in a blue vest was trying to pick a fight with Alan, so I ran in front of him, shielding his body with mine.

"Hey, back off." I said glaring at him.

"I ought to beat your white ass." He growled, glaring at me; hatred was evident in his eyes. Turning to Alan, he said, "Do you let yo' bitch fight all yo' battles?"

Alan jumped out from behind me, I tried to pull him back, but he was too fast. He squared up to the kid and grabbed him by his shirt.

"What did you call her?" He demanded.

I'd never seen Alan so angry. In fact, I'd never seen him angry at all.

"You heard me, cracker. Get yo' bitch in line, I don't want her ugly ass mouth yapping away at me."

I stood dumbly, right in the middle of the war, watching as Alan punched him in the nose. Hard. I heard the bone crack. Alan hit him again, giving him a black eye. The guy backed off, clutching his bleeding, now broken, nose. Alan grabbed him, slamming against the wall.

"Say that again, I dare you!" He snarled, his fists clenched, knuckles white.

This was so unlike his normal, sweet self. The Alan I knew was a big softie, I'd never seen him so protective. The guy refused to speak, he screwed his face up, shaking his head. Alan pulled him off of the wall, and shoved him towards me.

"Apologise to the pretty lady," Alan demanded, and when the guy stood there staring at me blankly, he shoved him again. "Do you want another black eye to match the other?"

"I'm sorry," He said, looking down at the floor.

"Say it like you mean it," Alan said, not happy with the guy's apology.

"I'm sorry, I should've known better than to disrespect a pretty lady like that. My mama raised me better." The guy shuffled on his feet, nervously.

Alan nodded in approval, letting go of him.

"That's what I thought. Stay away from her, you hear me?" He yelled as the guy walked away.

I stood there, frozen in shock. No one had ever done anything like that for me before. I didn't know how to react. Alan turned around to face me, he said something, but I wasn't listening.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now