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Today was our last full day of camp. We'd be returning home tomorrow, and although I was excited to sleep in my own bed, I knew I was going to miss the happy atmosphere at camp. Almost as if we were hidden from the cruelty of the real world.

We began training bright and early, as usual, only this time Ronnie joined us. I stood with some of the footballers who weren't playing just yet, watching as the boys that were got into their starting positions.

"Ronnie Bass." Coach Boone called, walking down the line.

Ronnie jogged over to him, helmet in hand. "Yes, sir?"

Coach didn't bother looking over at him, but continued speaking. "I like that haircut. Get in there, and show me what you got. Option left."

He nodded, and jogged over to the guys, getting into position. I watched as he turned to speak to some of them, before readying himself.

"Let's go, baby. Rookie quarterback." Someone yelled, making me chuckle.

"Side field, come on."

Sunshine turned 'round, yelling at the guys to go left, before starting the game.

"Set! Hut!"

He threw the ball, completely missing the pitch. Petey ran after it, as Coach pulled Ronnie aside. I walked over to Sheryl and uncle Bill, laughing as they both shook their heads in annoyance. Coach Boone had Rev teach Ronnie how to pitch properly, while the rest of the team continued on with practice games and drills.


At lunch, I sat with Alan, Gerry, Julius and a few other guys on the defensive table. Alan had gotten up to steal people's puddings, so that he and I could have extra. I laughed as he returned, walking along carefully with a couple pots stacked on top of each other, balancing. He had a spoon in his mouth, which was stretched into a mischievous grin, and sat down opposite me wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'll take that," I said, stealing one of the pots.

He rolled his eyes playfully, and scooped a massive spoonful of pudding from my pot, shovelling it in his mouth.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, swatting his hand away as he came back for more. "Hands off!"

Ray tried to sit in between Gerry and one of the other players, but no one would budge over to give him room.

"Hey, can you slide over a bit, Gerry?" He requested, struggling to fit on the bench.

I gave Ray a dirty look, hoping that Gerry wouldn't let him sit with us. My wish was granted.

"Hey, Ray, this is the defensive table." He replied, before turning back round to talk to Julius.

Ray looked around dumbly, hoping one of us would defend him and let him sit with us. When no one did, he huffed, before getting up and sitting with some of the offensive team.

"Julie," Alan called, catching my attention.

I turned back around to face him and burst out laughing, almost spilling pudding all over myself in the process.He'd stuck his spoon onto his nose, and was smiling at me proudly.

"Oh, Alan, you make me laugh," I said, lovingly, reaching my hand across the table to hold his.

I noticed Petey nervously sit down next to Rev, opposite Ronnie on the table next to us. If I knew Petey, then judging by his body language, something had crossed his mind, making him uncomfortable.

I stopped paying attention to him, because I couldn't hear what he was saying. I sat happily eating my pudding, and feeding some to Alan, who was acting like an excited toddler, until I heard Petey raise his voice.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now