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Alan and I walked through town hand in hand, holding ice creams. There were two days before school started, and we were making the most of it together.

"Can I try some of your strawberry? Pretty please?" I asked, smiling sweetly.

Alan rolled his eyes, before lightheartedly smashing his ice cream into my face. It slopped down onto my chest, luckily missing my red halter neck. I gasped, wiping the ice cream from my eyes.


He stood there, in hysterics, while I struggled to get ice cream off of my face. I licked my lip, it wasn't that bad.

"That tastes good. I might get that flavour next time." I hummed, before pulling him in by his shirt. "You better help me clean this off,"

Alan lent in, kissing me on the lips, and licking off the ice cream from my face. It tickled, and I squirmed under him, giggling.

"You taste good," Alan mumbled, mimicking what I'd just said.

I laughed, stroking his face with my right hand. With my left, I smashed my ice cream into his face, getting him back. I dodged his grip, and accidentally spilled the remaining ice cream on my flared jeans, luckily the stain wasn't too noticeable since they were black. I didn't mind though, Alan's reaction was worth it. I stood laughing at him, just as he had done to me.

"Karma's a bitch, Alan. Always remember that." I said, leaning on the wall of the building we were stood in front of. "Don't expect me to come over there and lick all that off. 'Cause I won't."

Alan stood there dumbly, eyes screwed shut, and face covered in ice cream. He shrugged, licking around his mouth, and wiping off the rest with his sleeve.

"Okay, fine. You got me." He surrendered, taking my hand, the two of us continuing down the street.

"Correction." I objected, "I got you good."

"Yes you got me good." Alan chuckled, leading me into a store we'd never been in before. "Now do you want your surprise or not?"

"Of course I want a surprise, do you even know me?" I joked, causing him to roll his eyes playfully.

As we walked inside of the store, I noticed the beautiful plants inside. Plants reminded me of my mother, and the memories of what life was like before my father had passed, they weren't all good memories. My childhood wasn't the best, but it was better than what I remembered it to be like after he died. There were cacti, Venus fly traps, lilies, roses, aloe vera, and many more, most of which were my mother's favourite flowers. More importantly, I noticed the rows and rows of records on display. I turned to Alan, questioningly.

"Are you gonna buy what I think you're gonna buy?" I asked, hopefully.

"If you're thinking of a record, then yes. If you're thinking of a plant, well, I'm sorry to disappoint." He answered smiling widely at my face.

I jumped at him, enveloping him in a loving hug. "What's the occasion?"

"No, no occasion." He corrected, looking down at me with a sparkle in his eye, "I just love you. 'Cmon, let's look for that David Bowie record, I know he's your favourite."

I pulled out of the hug, grabbing his hand immediately, and dragging him over to the glam rock section. We searched through the sections, for what felt like years, until my fingers glided over one particular record. And I knew it was the one. I picked it out, feeling the card, admiring the blue bubble writing, and the graphic design of a cartoon man printed onto the front. It was beautiful. I couldn't wait to dance to it with Alan.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now