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Frankie and I sat across from each other in the courtyard. I admired the beautiful scenery, and the bright blue sky.

"So tell me about yourself, Mr Glascoe. Have you always lived in Virginia?" I enquired.

Frankie leaned forward on his elbows,"Yes, I've lived here with my mother, father and brother my whole life. Same neighbourhood, same road, same house. What about you?"

I crossed my legs over each other, trying to think my words through before I answered, knowing I'd probably say something unnecessary about my mother.

"I was born in Virginia, but my mother and I moved to California when I was about 5 years old. We lived there until I was 11, when she decided to move abroad and I've lived with my uncle, Coach Yoast ever since."

Frank pulled a face, suggesting he was interested in what I had to say. "What hobbies have you got?"

"Well, I like to play the piano, I can play the keyboard too. I have one at home. I do cheer and I love to read, and I can make pretty decent sloppy joes," I said shrugging. "Other than that, football is pretty much my whole life. What are your hobbies?"

"I mean, I love football and I love to paint. That's about it. Hey can I ask you a personal question?"

I looked at Frankie, not expecting us to get too personal this early on. I shrugged, there was no harm in being curious.


"Are you seeing anybody by any chance?"

"As in dating?" I asked, a little shocked.

He nodded, and I hesitated not wanting to answer. We'd just met, and he'd already insinuated that he wanted to date me. Great. Frankie took my hesitation as a yes, which wasn't true, but I didn't have the heart to tell him I was single. I didn't want to give him the wrong idea.

Julius appeared, saving me from the awkwardness of mine and Frankie's conversation. They swapped over, and Frankie left to go get to know some other member of the team.

"Did you happen to hear any of our conversation?" I asked Julius as he sat down opposite me.

"I heard all of it, so I thought I'd come and save you." He replied, chuckling.

"It was so awkward. He just randomly came up with it. I didn't even know how to react." I laughed.

"You're dating Alan, aren't you?"

My eyebrows shot up, and a blush rose to my cheeks.  Did people really think Alan and I were dating? Was it a sign?

"No! We're just friends. He's made that pretty clear." I said, looking down.

"Really? 'Cause I've seen the way the two of you look at each other. Not to mention he's always kissing your cheek. And the way he fought that kid." Julius recalled, his eyebrows raised questionably.

I laughed shaking my head, denying it. "He was just protective 'cause I'm his best friend."

"Or, he was being protective 'cause he's in love with you." Julius suggested, shrugging. "See it how you want to see it, all I'm trying to say is that the two of you are made for each other."

I sat there for a moment, thinking back. If Alan saw me as just a friend, why did he blush all the time around me? Why did he kiss my cheek? Why did he get so protective? Why was he so touchy?

"But, last night. He came to my room and he started this whole speech about how I'm the most beautiful girl in the world and stuff like that, then coach Tyrell showed up, and he told me I was his best friend."

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now