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Mine and Sheryl's words had managed to finally get through to Coach, and he gathered his boys together. We were stood outside waiting for Alan to arrive, and now we were gonna be late for the football enlisting.

I peeked through the gap in between the heavy doors, watching the players inside. All the boys were black, and they seemed to all be close friends, joking around in a big group. I watched as one boy, average height, pretty brown eyes and a mole under his nose danced his way through the group, high fiving the people he passed.

"We're gonna play some ball, ya'll! Black inside, black inside, black inside."

"Yo, Petey, how many yards you figure you gonna get this season, bro?"

The boy, who I guessed was Petey, turned round, a smug look on his face.

"You know I ain't one to brag, Big Blue, but I figure on at least a thousand."

"But I ain't one to brag." One of the boys mimicked.

I smiled, amused by the boys joking around. I watched as a serious looking boy walked into the center of the circle. He was tall, and quite attractive.

"Didn't I tell you all them white boys weren't gonna play for no brother?"

"Well, who needs 'em baby?" The boy I assumed to be Big Blue said, "From now on the Titans gonna be powered by soul power, bro."

A few of the boys began to sing, but were interrupted by the blowing of a whistle.

I laughed to myself, and a few minutes later Alan burst into the hall. He jogged over to me, out of breath.

"Why are you so late?" I asked, looking down at him as he hunched over with his hands on his knees.

"Dad,", "Bullshit," and "Integrating" were the only words I could make out from his response, the rest were all jumbled together because of his panting.

I laughed, pushing him forwards as he was lagging behind. Coach led the boys, Sheryl and I into the gymnasium. The door rattled loudly as it was opened, catching the attention of all the guys inside. I noticed that there was a singular white guy already in the meeting. I hadn't noticed him when I was spying earlier, so he must have arrived about the time I stopped paying attention. He was tall, morbidly obese and blonde. He seemed to have a heart as sweet as honey though, and I admired that he had no problem being around members of the other race.

The boys walked in, silent.

Apart from Ray.

"With him calling the shots, ain't none of us gonna see nothing but the bench this year."

"He ain't calling the shots. You'll play." Gerry answered, not bothering to look at Ray.

I rolled my eyes, looking around at the rest of the guys. They had their game faces on, there was not a smile in sight. I looked over at Coach Boone. He didn't look too happy at our entrance, and neither did the other footballers.

Coach stopped in front of Boone, and the guys came to a stop behind him. He looked fuming. I smiled at the black players that caught my eye, a few of them smiled back, most didn't acknowledge me.

"Coach Yoast, a word?" Coach Boone asked, although he left no room for an answer, as he had already began to walk out of the gymnasium. Coach followed, unbothered.

"Is she part of the team?" I heard the boy I thought was Petey whisper to the guy next to him, not very quietly. "Cause she is one fine looking lady."

I chuckled to myself, shaking my head.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now