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The news of Alan and I making out in Big Blue's bed spread like wildfire. Overnight, the whole team had found out. I'm pretty sure the coaches had too.

We walked from breakfast to the changing room, hand in hand. I was still shocked from the events of the night before. Smiling, it dawned on me, Alan and I were boyfriend and girlfriend.

After Big Blue had kicked us out, I'd forced Alan to run around campus with me in search of Julius. I filled him in, as promised, and he wouldn't stop teasing me.

Walking across the field, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. They could definitely see my hickey. Alan kissed me on the lips, before leaving me to get changed. Someone behind me wolf-whistled. I turned around, a dumb smile on my face, and was met with Petey, and Louie.

"I never thought that pure, innocent Julia could be such a naughty girl." Petey smirked.

"Never say that to me again," I deadpanned, sending him a pretend look of disgust.

Petey squeezed my cheeks, as if I were a baby. I swatted his hands away, and he slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Making out with Alan in poor Blue's bed, he's gonna have to visit the shrink." Louie teased.

"Shut up," I ordered, rolling my eyes, smiling.

"So you two are together, together?" Rev asked, appearing out of nowhere.

"What do you think, Rev? Look at that giant hickey on her neck!" Petey said, dramatically.

Rev hit him on the shoulder, and he whined, rubbing it in mock pain. I laughed, shaking my head at Petey's stupidity.

"Never took you for a kinky girl." Some guy on the offence team teased, walking past.

I cringed. Was this the type punishment I would have to endure?


Coach Boone blew his whistle, laying next to one of the guys who had been lagging behind. Coach was describing a game scenario to help motivate him. We had been ordered to complete a difficult exercise, consisting of mountain climbers and push ups.

I payed attention to what Coach was saying, imagining that I was in the middle of a game myself, hoping that it would encourage me to see the drill through to the end.

"Two minutes to go in the game. The other team is out there, they're tired. Fourth quarter. Fourth quarter. Fourth quarter."

My legs and arms were burning from the exercise, and I collapsed onto the ground, groaning as Coach blew his whistle twice, letting us know that the drill was over.

I rolled onto my side, and lurched back in shock. Petey's face was inches from mine, and he smiled at me evilly.

"I bet I know what you've been thinking about this whole time," Petey sang, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Piss off," I grumbled, pushing his face away with my sweaty hands.

Petey pulled a face at me, and rolled away like a little child.


After training, Alan and I decided to explore more of campus. We found a nice spot of shade under a tree, so we both laid on the ground, hand in hand, cloud watching.

There was a peaceful silence settled between us, until..."Look, Julie, this ones shaped like a penis," Alan noted, dreamily.

I spat out my drink, and burst out laughing. Not because of the penis shaped cloud, but because of how calmly he'd said it.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now