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White protestors were held back by policemen, holding signs and chanting obscenities. Many of them were parents of some of the kids at T.C, and I noticed quite a few students protesting against the integration of our school as well.

Our school bus drove painfully slow as it approached the school, to avoid hitting any of the people in the road. I sat in the window seat staring out at the people so close to the glass, that my face was practically squashed against it.

Once the bus stopped, I grabbed Alan's hand from my thigh, and interlocked it with mine. Standing up from my seat, I smoothed down my sleeveless denim dress, as it had risen from my mid thigh, where it was supposed to sit. I shook my head in disapproval of the crowds, letting Alan lead me off of the bus. I thanked the driver, sighing as I walked along, dodging the odd protestor here and there.

"This ain't right." I said to Alan, angrily. "Equality don't cost a thing, I don't understand why these people can't see that we're all the same on the inside."

"I know, sweetheart. This is bullshit." Alan agreed, rubbing my hand with his thumb.

We walked past a police officer revealing the new school sign, fuelling the fire. 'Home of the titans' it read.

"We don't want them here!" I heard someone's mother shout, waving a sign that read 'Alexandria parents against busing!'.

Gritting my teeth, I fought with all my will not to go over there and start screaming at the protestors. I clenched my fists, accidentally crushing Alan's hand as I did so. I loosened my grip, muttering an apology.

Walking up to the entrance, I spotted Ronnie, so Alan and I ran over to him. I tapped him on the shoulder, waiting for him to turn around before jumping at him, and wrapping him into a bone crushing hug.

"I haven't seen you in forever, Sunshine." I said sarcastically, knowing that I'd last seen him a few weeks after the run in with my mother.

"I know. Long time, no see." He replied, smiling, before releasing his arms from around me, and dapping up Alan.

"It's crazy out here." Alan observed, looking around at the commotion.

"Tell me about it. I hope it dies down, this shit ain't gonna do any good for us students. It's only gonna increase the tension between the two races here." Ronnie agreed as the three of us pushed through the crowds of people.

"Hey, look, Petey and Louie are over there. Should we go say hi?" I suggested, swinging mine and Alan's arms.

The two boys agreed, and we started to make our way over, until a group of boys surrounded us, stopping us from passing through them.

"We don't need you here either, hippie boy." One of them sneered, blocking Ronnie's path.

Alan and Ronnie tried to push past the boys, wanting to avoid trouble, but the boys stopped them.

"You hear what he said?" Another questioned.

"You know what? I bet your mothers are out here protesting, aren't they?" I asked, staring down the boys.

"They are, why?" One of them questioned, confusedly.

I shrugged, "You see, what I was gonna say is that you should've been raised to know better than to treat to my friend like that. But if your mommas are out here protesting, then I see why you're acting like you are. 'Cause obviously you've grown up and become just like them."

I started walking again, trying to catch up with Alan and Ronnie, who were waiting a few feet ahead. But a hand on my shoulder yanked me back. I shrugged the hand off, placing my hands on my hips.

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now