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Alan and I had gone to school early, accompanying Coach in his office. We sat at an empty desk, seeing who could spin faster in the spinny chairs. I noticed Coach Boone enter the room, so I stopped spinning abruptly, causing my skirt to lift up. Luckily I was wearing tights underneath. Alan had decided to try and match with me today, so he wore a navy cardigan open over a white t-shirt and jeans, while I wore a navy sweater, with a navy and white plaid skirt, tights, and boots.

I zoned in to the coaches' conversation at the right time, watching as Coach Boone handed over the Marshall film. I rolled over to the two on my chair, abandoning Alan.

"Mornin', Coach." I greeted, smiling.

"Good morning, Julie." He smiled back.

"Is that the Marshall film?" I asked, picking it up gently from the desk.

Uncle Bill took it from my hands, putting it back on the table. I frowned at him, rolling back over to Alan, pretending not to listen to their conversation.

"We're gonna have to be real sharp on the offensive and defensive sides of the football." Coach Boone said, settling into his chair across from uncle Bill. "Figure we give the kids a couple of extra practices this week, make sure they stay focused."

Coach didn't acknowledge him, but kept on writing. Something was obviously bothering him, he'd been grumpy ever since we'd left the house.

"Got a press conference today at 12, noon." Boone continued, looking through a pile of papers.

"Press conference?" Coach interrupted, thinking he'd misheard. "Listen, what we do here amongst ourselves is one thing, but we are not gonna parade around talking about football at a time like this-"

Boone interrupted Coach this time, starting a whole speech. "Hold on, I'm not talking about parading. I'm talking about going out there, presenting a strong, united front. Now, I'm hurtin' just like you are, Yoast, but the season is not over yet. I did- we did not come this far to just break down and lose now."

"Everything is not always about winning and losing." Uncle Bill said, trying to keep his cool.

"I'm a winner. I'm going to win."

"Is this even about football anymore? Or is it just about you?" Coach asked him, disapprovingly.

Luckily for Alan and I, the bell rang, signalling first period. Practically running out of the office, the two of us made our way to lesson. Although we were in different classes, we both had English, so Alan walked me to mine, where Rev stood outside waiting. Before following Rev inside the classroom, I stood on my tiptoes to give Alan a quick kiss goodbye.

"I'll see you later, okay? Meet me outside this class?" I asked, walking backwards.

He smiled, starting to walk in the direction of his classroom, "Of course."


Coach Boone had given uncle Bill a videotape of his press conference, just to rub it in. I thought it was ingenious, but Coach didn't seem to agree.

After school, Coach, Sheryl, Alan and I sat on the couch in the living room watching the conference intently.

"Coach!" A reporter yelled, "Do you allow females to play with your football team? It's been reported that there are two females attending your practices."

Coach laughed at his stupidity, but replied politely, "No, no we do not have any female players. The younger of the girls that attends our practiced is Coach Yoast's daughter, and the older is his niece. They both do mighty fine jobs in assisting us in coaching the team. They're our greatest assets."

My Sweetheart (Alan Bosley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now